DOE launches investigation into Maines compliance with title IX

With less than two weeks to go in the presidential campaign and voting already underway in many states, 76% of U.S. adults favor the concept of early voting. Two other election law policies are supported by even more Americans -- requiring photo identification to vote (84%) and providing proof of citizenship when registering to vote for the first time (83%).

Once again you guys are on the losing side but guilt trip me.
Because you are purposely ignoring an issue that can become a problem because your party would benefit. Two, you're exaggerating how hard it is to provide documentation. Providing documentation is a part of life.
The only reason it's an issue is it's a means for your party to benefit by suppressing legitimate votes. You've offered no evidence that any party is benefiting from your imaginary non citizen votes.

With less than two weeks to go in the presidential campaign and voting already underway in many states, 76% of U.S. adults favor the concept of early voting. Two other election law policies are supported by even more Americans -- requiring photo identification to vote (84%) and providing proof of citizenship when registering to vote for the first time (83%).

Once again you guys are on the losing side but guilt trip me.
And your orange turd was against early voting also.
The only reason it's an issue is it's a means for your party to benefit by suppressing legitimate votes. You've offered no evidence that any party is benefiting from your imaginary non citizen votes.
What can we do to get those documents to those said individuals? What are the problems and let's find the solutions.
A national voter ID would be something I’d be in favor of if it was provided: 1. Free of charge and 2. Shipped to every person upon turning 18, also automatically registering them to vote.

There would still be room for chicanery with a national ID, but considerably less than requiring state drivers licenses or other state-issued forms of ID.
Polls show the majority want a form of identification
This is my previous post on this topic and will post it again for those of you in the back who didn’t hear it the first time….

I have never had an issue with the concept of voter ID, the problem comes in the practice. Alabama passed a voter ID law and promptly shut down 31 of the 67 DMV locations in the state (where state-issued IDs are obtained.) Most of those 31 offices were in poor black-majority counties in the Alabama Black Belt although the state legislators assured us that race had nothing to do with determining which locations to close. I am sure they were sincere (and also wrong.)

I have no problem with requiring an ID to vote (and I certainly have no problem with allowing only citizens to vote) but obtaining those IDs must be simple, accessible, and free. That is not the case in most jurisdictions. This middle-class white notion of "everybody has a driver license" or "all you need is a birth certificate to get a state ID" doesn't apply to thousands of mostly older poor folks. My father never had a birth certificate. He and his twin brother were born at home to poor white sharecroppers in 1914 in Effingham SC with the help of some church ladies, and there were notations in a family Bible. That's it.

This same situation that my impacted my father over 100 years ago applied for decades afterwards to poor rural black folks across the south. Not having a birth certificate is unthinkable to people born in hospitals after WWII, but there are thousands of people who never had a birth certificate, or whose birth certificate was lost over the years, and the process of getting a copy is a mystery (and costly) to many of these folks. I realize there are people who believe anyone unable to manage the process of getting a copy of their birth certificate has no business voting, but I don't believe that is how our right to vote should work.

Devise a simple, free system of providing a voter ID to every eligible voter, and I will be fully on board with requiring an ID to vote. Designing such a system (and enforcing compliance if the states are involved in the process) should be part and parcel of any voter ID requirement.
The only reason it's an issue is it's a means for your party to benefit by suppressing legitimate votes. You've offered no evidence that any party is benefiting from your imaginary non citizen votes.
You know full well there wouldn't be evidence. You're playing gotcha games, defending the status quo of a broken system.
I'm always amazed that the US does not have a national ID (or even a uniform state ID). I get the resistance from both ends of the political spectrum. I guess this is the challenge of little country vs big country comes into contrast. For us, national IDs are used in every facet of life. They're also free and easy to get (go to a centralized location, wait in line maybe 10-30 minutes depending on the day, time of year, then wait an hour, ready).

I thinks its interesting that the Pubs are behind the much for ID to vote...from what we've seen in some red counties, feel like an attempt to suppress votes. But this feels like something that has possible solutions.
I'm always amazed that the US does not have a national ID (or even a uniform state ID). I get the resistance from both ends of the political spectrum. I guess this is the challenge of little country vs big country comes into contrast. For us, national IDs are used in every facet of life. They're also free and easy to get (go to a centralized location, wait in line maybe 10-30 minutes depending on the day, time of year, then wait an hour, ready).

I thinks its interesting that the Pubs are behind the much for ID to vote...from what we've seen in some red counties, feel like an attempt to suppress votes. But this feels like something that has possible solutions.
Agree. And we could also use them to track gun ownership. You know, to be sure guns stay in the hands of the good guys and out of the hands of the bad guys. I’m really stunned Silence doesn’t support this. It solves a whole bunch of problems the Pubs say they care about.
How convenient, for important elections
I don't even know what this means. Convenient that not everyone has or uses ID in their regular lives? See @farce©'s post above.

I know the Roy Cohn playbook is always attack, so I'm not surprised you're painting this as some sort of Dem conspiracy. But you yourself have acknowledged above that noncitizens voting is a hypothetical problem:

Because you are purposely ignoring an issue that can become a problem because your party would benefit. Two, you're exaggerating how hard it is to provide documentation. Providing documentation is a part of life.

What is a very real problem is the legitimate voters that would be disenfranchised by voter ID laws. Several folks on this thread have offered ideas to have voter ID requirements and also minimize the impact on legitimate voters. Why aren't you all over those ideas? Don't give me "workability." We put a man on the fucking moon.