El Salvador agrees to hold U.S. prisoners and deportees of any nationality in their jails for a fee

  • Thread starter Thread starter nycfan
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  • Politics 
This will buy Trump a little time to build some private prisons himself then have ICE send them all there. Soon we'll have trump frangrance, trump bibles, trump watches, trump sneakers and trump jails. Just have to hope he runs them better than his casinos or everyone will escape the first day they're locked up.
By my count MAGA is about a third of the way through…

1. Decorum
2. Civility
3. Decency
4. Any and all pretense of the above
5. Stare decisis and Roe (a twofer!)
6. Checks
7. Balances
8. 14th Amendment and with it, Obergefell, Lawrence and Griswold (Loving?)
9. 24th Amendment
10. 19th Amendment
11. 15th Amendment
12. 4th Amendment
13. 5th Amendment
14. 13th Amendment
15. 6th Amendment
They wont bother with amendments, they are going to throw out the whole Constitution.
Bukele really is a master of propaganda.

He knows that US citizens will most likely ever sent to ES (no way that passes the courts), but just the gesture ingratiates him with DTC. He'll take illegals (I'm assuming criminals who can't be repatriated...but could be other categories) and charge a fee for each prisoner, make some money to offset his huge investment in facilities. Even with the Spartan conditions and scale, those prisons cost a boatload of money that he doesn't have.