Elon Musk Catch-All

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Personally, I’m fine with Musk fathering a lot of US citizens. Imagine the average IQ of the bunch. Plus, he can afford ‘em.
Bullshit. George Bernard Shaw was once approached by a ballet star who told him they should have children. She told him they would have her looks and his intelligence. He told her, “My dear, with my luck the child would have my looks and your intelligence.”
Yeah, what if SHE was also the richest person in the world and owned some of the most significant companies on the planet. Has that even happened before? So we don’t even really have a frame of reference.
I have a Model 3 that I bought last September. I drive 112 miles a day for work, so I was 100% buying an EV. Model 3 happened to be the most efficient with 300+ miles of range, while being affordable after the credit (would’ve gone with a Y, but I didn’t like the suspension feel). Add in that WV (at the time) didn’t have any level 3 charging for anything other than Teslas, and my choice was made. I would’ve bought a Mach E or Ioniq 5 if they had Supercharger availability at the time (and were their current prices).
i also have a Y and I knew he was a dick when I bought it but I didn't know he was a nazi. I rationalized it based on the fact it was $25K less than the exact same car was selling for the previous year so maybe I was ripping him off a little bit. Fortunately or unfortunately, it is a great car, and I'm not really in a position to get the next best thing just yet.
Yeah, what if SHE was also the richest person in the world and owned some of the most significant companies on the planet. Has that even happened before? So we don’t even really have a frame of reference.
Lol, y'all burn Taylor Swift at the stake for merely expressing a political opinion differing from your own. She's one of the richest people in the world, self made, generous to a fault, and seemingly always kind and gracious.
Lol, y'all burn Taylor Swift at the stake for merely expressing a political opinion differing from your own. She's one of the richest people in the world, self made, generous to a fault, and seemingly always kind and gracious.
I’m a fan, what are you talking about? Stereotype much.
Looking back saves them from facing the reality of what lies ahead. They can just “reflect” on the Biden administration rather than connecting the dots to realize what the Trump administration is planning. They prefer to imagine every “questionable” data point exists in a vacuum, unrelated to every other unsavory data point which tells a story that is fairly self-evident unless one purposefully avoids the obvious big picture. Self-deception is a key feature of Trump voters over the past few weeks.
At some point, you’re going to have stop whining about the last presidency and start recognizing the authoritarian shit show this one is becoming.
No, he really won't. That would require him looking in the mirror that he perpetually carries around shoving in the faces of "Dims" decrying their hypocrisy. He isn't up to the task of managing that for himself.