FYI, men with guns

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Probably but this doesn't seem all that nitpicky. Long time poster probably makes up fantastical story and gets called out for it.

If a Republican came on here and said a trans kid at his son's school put some girl in the hospital playing field hockey we would want proof. If there was no news article, he'd be ridiculed. But someone, who might be a bit more touched by this election than the average person, claims that Trump supporters are riding around with guns, shutting down schools, getting arrested, and police are stationed at the school for days for fear of violence to a bunch of kids and there is no mention of it online? Call me skeptical.
Wow, nice self-reflection.

Also, you compare trans kids, who are less than 1% of the population with maga cultist who we know are a significant part of the population.

I recall going to Gatlinburg and being shocked at the number of cars and trucks with trump flags and signs that read God, Guns, Trump.

So, considering the gun loving maga cult, that just because you couldn't google it, it must not have happened.

No, what I really believe it you just wanted to antagonize another poster, it's part of your MO.

And don't bother responding, you have been added to the group of people that I don't want to read at this time.
Wow, nice self-reflection.

Also, you compare trans kids, who are less than 1% of the population with maga cultist who we know are a significant part of the population.

I recall going to Gatlinburg and being shocked at the number of cars and trucks with trump flags and signs that read God, Guns, Trump.

So, considering the gun loving maga cult, that just because you couldn't google it, it must not have happened.

No, what I really believe it you just wanted to antagonize another poster, it's part of your MO.

And don't bother responding, you have been added to the group of people that I don't want to read at this time.
Well you wrote a nice response so I will take the time to respond. I'm not saying it's unbelievable that Trump supporters are riding around in trucks maybe even holding up guns whooping and hollering about a trump victory. What I do think is fairly unbelievable is that it would close a school, lead to arrests and us not see a news article about it.

I looked and I saw news articles about people being arrested for punching out the other party's supporters, threatening the other party's supporters and even wearing MAGA clothing to polling places and refusing to take it off. I looked and I saw plenty of articles about school's closings where there are reports of guns, there was a bank robbery nearby, even snow. A bunch of trump supporters riding around and getting arrested and causing a school to close would make the news. It would likely make national news. Since I'm not seeing it I'm a little skeptical.
I don't give a shit whether the trolls believe me. For those of you who actually care, I got some visibility into what happened this morning. You'll see how.

1. There was a junior at the high school who is trans and started transitioning over the summer.
2. This student had been bullied by a guy who graduated in the spring. Bullying continued intermittently over the summer and into the fall. Kid obtained a protection order.
3. On Wednesday morning, the bully showed up at the school parking lot, presumably to bully the student some more. This is the part that is still unclear.
4. The trans student called their mother, who is a teacher at my sons' middle school. The mother came to pick the kid up and take them back to the middle school.
5. Bully followed the trans student and their mother to the middle school for more harassment.
6. Police were called. I don't know exactly what transpired. Maybe it was just the protection order violation.
7. Bully's buds came to pick him up. Probably the bully's older brother and some hoodlums. This was the truck I eventually saw.
8. Bully and buds went on an intimidation joyride/run from the police. That's why they were over near me.
9. The arrest was of the bully. Not sure if his buds were arrested. Not sure if they did anything criminal.
10. Trans kid committed suicide yesterday.

#10 is why I know more than I did yesterday. I told my son about it (he knew the kid from band, and is really upset), and he went to instagram and read from people's posts about what happened.

My community is terrified. My wife was working until 8 last night because she had three emergency appointments for freaked out kids, two of them trans. The police are at the middle school again today. They have also been at the high school (which I didn't know). I don't know if they are at the other schools in the district but my guess is yes.

It's just starting. You fucking MAGgots. I will never forgive your asses for this, ever. Trump could not have been clearer about what he was going to do. You voted for it. And now it's happening. Trans kids everywhere will feel unsafe, not just because of policies but also because they have now seen what their communities think of them. They are targets. Gay kids too, I'm sure.

And if you don't fucking believe me, I couldn't care less. Of course the reason you don't believe me is that you refuse to take responsibility for what is going to happen. All we have been hearing from Trumpers is "oh, snowflake, it will be fine. None of those horrible things are actually going to happen." And SINCE THEY ARE ALREADY HAPPENING, you just resort to what you always do: deny, deny, deny. No, that didn't happen. No interest rates didn't really spike. No, black people aren't going to be told to go work on plantations. No, nothing bad will happen.
Listen. I don't want to be the one to keep you on this board when you clearly need to take a break. I definitely believe that a story about Trump supporters with guns in trucks getting arrested and putting schools on lockdown will be something we can all find by googling it. Maybe it just takes some time.

The only inconsistency I found was when you said police would be there for the rest of the week and then later said that you have no idea how long police would be there.

I was doing pretty well not responding to you but now I recognize it brought out the nasty in me. I'm afraid I can't continue. If you want to stick by the story or really tell anything else you want to share about your life, I say go for it. You'll hear nothing else from me.
go away