Gavin Newsom podcast

I really like Newsom and Buttigieg. But I think neither is electable in today’s political climate. I think Bashear and maybe Chris Murphy have the best chance of winning.
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Do you dipshits cry corruption every time you read or see something you don't like or agree with? Don't bother

Do you dipshits cry corruption every time you read or see something you don't like or agree with? Don't bother answering.

With numerous high-profile graft cases and public officials getting prosecuted, political analysts are noting that California has become a new center of political corruption in the United States. [DNYUZ]

Over the least 10 years, 576 public officials in California have been convicted on federal corruption charges, according to Justice Department reports. That total exceeds the number of cases in states better known for public corruption, including New York, New Jersey and Illinois.

While California has a much larger population than those states, the recent wave of corruption cases in the Golden State is attribution to much more than that, federal prosecutors say.

A heavy concentration of power at Los Angeles City Hall, the receding presence of local news media, a population that often tunes out local politics and a growing Democratic supermajority in California government have all helped insulate public officials from damage, political analysts said. Other factors include high levels of Chinese investment, particularly in real estate development, and large immigrant populations in California, particularly in the L.A. area, which often consist of largely marginalized communities that do not have the resources to closely monitor their politicians.
The recall election was in September 2021. It wasn’t close (38% voted to recall).

In November 2022, Gavin Newsom won re-election with 59% of the vote. The GOP candidate had 40%. That’s an ass-kicking.
A real ass kicking, not a trump defined 1.5% ass kicking.
And they have a state G’ment they deserve and are proud of.
I wish we had the federal government we deserved and not the shit show we have. Of course some are proud of our current shit show. I'm just hoping that when this is over the country hasn't fallen apart.
Looks like the first episode was released.

I'm actually looking forward to hearing his podcast. I disagree with him on a few things, but I think he is a smart, thoughtful person. I was fairly impressed by his sit-down interview with Sean Hannity.
