Gus Walz

These MAGAs truly are pieces of shit.

What a piece of crap. Do these idiots not know he has special needs or do they just not care? And what's wrong with crying anyway? Baron probably doesn't cry because his dad has never cried because he's a sociopath, and Baron is probably one, too.
I'd never even heard of Mike Crispi until I saw that tweet. My goodness I'd like to slap the shit out of that dude. What an asshole.
Don’t give him the satisfaction of your ire - he thrives on it. Mike Crispi is the definition of a beta-grifting-weirdo who prostrates himself at the alter of a scared shitless, serial failure, con-man.
What kind of soulless fucking goddamn goul do you have to be to 1. make fun of a child, 2. make fun of a neurodivergent child for being neurodivergent, and 3. make fun of a child for committing the crime of loving and being happy and proud of their dad?

Jesus Christ, you MAGA/Trump-supporting fucks. How the fuck is there no bottom for you?

I don’t know what board policy we are going to have around wishing untimely demises upon people, but I’m getting really close to testing it.
What kind of soulless fucking goddamn goul do you have to be to 1. make fun of a child, 2. make fun of a neurodivergent child for being neurodivergent, and 3. make fun of a child for committing the crime of loving and being happy and proud of their dad?
The kind who would want to manipulate people into this kind of angry, visceral response. Trolling 101.
To me, as the prime suspect in sharing a inverse of trolling posts, THIS is a good thread to not give any trolls the satisfaction of tearing down the pure joy of seeing a teen love his dad this purely and truly.
The kind who would want to manipulate people into this kind of angry, visceral response. Trolling 101.
It may very well be, and I may very well be a sucker for letting them get a rise out of me, but I have no shame or apology for getting angry at people bullying a child. I’m glad this community is full of people with a lot more maturity than I have; I admire and applaud every single one of y’all who could read that vile shit and not want to humiliate the cretins who write it. That’s not me.

I do completely understand and agree with where you’re coming from, though, about not giving these unimaginable losers the satisfaction they crave. I’ll just have to leave that to all of the people who are much, much better and stronger human beings than I am.
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Picking on Gus Walz isn’t just a horribly shitty thing to do morally, I think it’s political suicide.

Tim Walz is a stereotypical goofy Midwestern dad. Watching him interact with his family it’s clear how much they love each other and just how comfortable those interactions are. For people who have lost a father to Fox News it stings to watch. Even if they haven’t lost the relationship completely there is almost always a tension and a fear that politics will suddenly break out. They can try to watch a game with him and have the day ruined when a commercial means a channel change to Fox News and some uncomfortable, ugly conversation is about to be forced on them. Interactions aren't comfortable. There's often an uneasy quiet and family gatherings now have plans for dealing with politics.

The Walzes remind people of what their family used to be like. The Republican reaction to Gus Walz reminds people of what spectacular assholes right wing politics has allowed their family members to become. That comparison is emotionally powerful and Republicans really do not want people making it.
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It may very well be, and I may very well be a sucker for letting them get a rise out of me, but I have no shame or apology for getting angry at people bullying a child. I’m glad this community is full of people with a lot more maturity than I have; I admire and applaud every single one of y’all who could read that vile shit and not want to humiliate the cretins who write it. That’s not me.

I do completely understand and agree with where you’re coming from, though, about not giving these unimaginable losers the satisfaction they crave. I’ll just have to leave that to all of the people who are much, much better and stronger human beings than I am.
Has nothing to do with maturity or being a better or stronger human being. My view is simply that they have set the bar on the floor, so they aren't capable of surprising me nor provoking any emotional response out of me that they might be looking for. That power is gone, because I know there is *nothing* that is below the worst among them.

They don't get to make me gnash my teeth anymore. It's more that I pity them than I'm pissed at them.
Picking on Gus Walz isn’t just a horribly shitty thing to do morally, I think it’s political suicide.
And this ^ is the silver lining. For example, JD Vance was the worst thing VP-wise that could've happened to their campaign. His echoing trump's bigoted, misogynistic, racist, childish, petty attacks is radioactive to the persuadable voters out there.

So much rope every which way that they're hanging themselves with.
Has nothing to do with maturity or being a better or stronger human being. My view is simply that they have set the bar on the floor, so they aren't capable of surprising me nor provoking any emotional response out of me that they might be looking for. That power is gone, because I know there is *nothing* that is below the worst among them.

They don't get to make me gnash my teeth anymore. It's more that I pity them than I'm pissed at them.
I hear you. I appreciate your perspective.
And this ^ is the silver lining. For example, JD Vance was the worst thing VP-wise that could've happened to their campaign. His echoing trump's bigoted, misogynistic, racist, childish, petty attacks is radioactive to the persuadable voters out there.

So much rope every which way that they're hanging themselves with.
I’m waiting for somebody to ask Vance why he is pro more kids and anti immigration, given that immigrants tend to have the most kids.

We all know the answer. Not those kids!