Gus Walz

As someone who used to have two Ann Coulter books on my bookshelf when I was in high school, I think God every single day that I am no longer part of the same party for which that vile wench votes, and the same party that is full of vile wenches just like her who believe the same things she does.
As someone who used to have two Ann Coulter books on my bookshelf when I was in high school, I think God every single day that I am no longer part of the same party for which that vile wench votes, and the same party that is full of vile wenches just like her who believe the same things she does.
You were quite the little Tea Partier, weren’t you, in your younger years!
I’m waiting for somebody to ask Vance why he is pro more kids and anti immigration, given that immigrants tend to have the most kids.

We all know the answer. Not those kids!
Was my first thought when I read his comment about having more children. "Weird"... for a political party that is so hesitant to improve the lot of the children we already have.
What kind of soulless fucking goddamn goul do you have to be to 1. make fun of a child, 2. make fun of a neurodivergent child for being neurodivergent, and 3. make fun of a child for committing the crime of loving and being happy and proud of their dad?

Jesus Christ, you MAGA/Trump-supporting fucks. How the fuck is there no bottom for you?

I don’t know what board policy we are going to have around wishing untimely demises upon people, but I’m getting really close to testing it.
Democratic National Convention Crying GIF by PBS News
And this ^ is the silver lining. For example, JD Vance was the worst thing VP-wise that could've happened to their campaign. His echoing trump's bigoted, misogynistic, racist, childish, petty attacks is radioactive to the persuadable voters out there.

So much rope every which way that they're hanging themselves with.
Vance is the guy you invite to a party and end up apologizing. I don’t think the words “Well actually” could grow a beard and put on a suit but Vance is proof that I was wrong. If you’ve ever had a friend like him you know that keeping him around is exhausting. It’s a difficult friendship that feels like an obligation that you’re too polite to just end.

All of this is just a reminder of how hard and tiring it can be trying to maintain relationships with Trump voters. And seeing loving families at the DNC is a contrast that is almost painful for some. Republicans tried to claim that a picture of Ella Emhoff with her arm on her father’s shoulder was weird. Many millennial women will hate the Republican Party forever because they took that level of comfort around their father away.

It’s not incredibly powerful for everyone and I’m not going to pretend this stuff means 400 electoral votes for Harris. But it is enormously moving for some and Republicans don’t realize that they are hardening hearts against them.