In all seriousness, while all of this is such an enormous shitshow, things like this are good as they ultimately further weakens the aura of invincibility that inexplicably envelopes Trump. We're not even 72 hours into 2.0 and the arrogance of Trump and his immediate advisors is causing problems in their coalition. In and of themselves and in a vacuum, these things aren't critically consequential, but as more continue to pile up in the coming days, weeks, and months- and they will, just wait a few hours!- they're going to cause significant problems for Trump 2.0 in ways that 1.0 did not have to concern itself with. I don't mean impeachment and conviction necessarily, but now that Trump is a lame duck, and there are hundreds upon hundreds of members of Congress who have their own political ambitions ahead of them that will far outlive Trump, he isn't as "safe" as might otherwise appear.