MAGA family

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I believe this is the same topic.
Well, my retired and elderly MAGA parents spend countless hours being indoctrinated by Fox lies daily.

But decades ago, when my grandmother was the same age, she got hypnotized by the televangelists and was sending money she could not spare. My mother pleaded with us kids, that if she ever got to that point of deception and hysterics, we had to promise to let her know.

Well, my sister and I did. It did not go over well. We still love our parents as family and what they did for us. We have never discussed Trump again. My father tries to joke using the Fox propaganda. We just ignore it. Their mental capacities and reasoning are shot at their ages and health issues. They are easy targets and can not be saved.

They both know I was a lifelong Republican before MAGA. My sister is liberal and became even more so as a lawyer and seeing the imbalance towards those of color. But my parents wouldn't even listen to me. They are as vulnerable to the cult as they are phone, text, and email scams at this point.
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Well, my retired and elderly MAGA parents spend countless hours being indoctrinated by Fox lies daily.

But decades ago, when my grandmother was the same age, she got hypnotized by the televangelists and was sending money she could not spare. My mother pleaded with us kids, that if she ever got to that point of deception and hysterics, we had to promise to let her know.

Well, my sister and I did. It did not go over well. We still love our parents as family and what they did for us. We have never discussed Trump again. My father tries to joke using the Fox propaganda. We just ignore it. Their mental capacities and reasoning are shot at their ages and health issues. They are easy targets and can not be saved.

They both know I was a lifelong Republican before MAGA. My sister is liberal and became even more so as a lawyer and seeing the imbalance towards those of color. But my parents wouldn't even listen to me. They are as vulnerable to the cult as they are phone, text, and email scams at this point.
So how do we make sure we don’t go down that route.

Not necessarily televangelists or right wing propaganda as we will always be on heightened alert for those.

But there will be something that entices us when our cognitive levels decline.

As a semi related point, I have always said that if I am facing dementia, I will be euthanized before I get to the point where I can no longer make that decision. I wonder how many people feel the same but get to that point before they realize it.
Well, my retired and elderly MAGA parents spend countless hours being indoctrinated by Fox lies daily.

But decades ago, when my grandmother was the same age, she got hypnotized by the televangelists and was sending money she could not spare. My mother pleaded with us kids, that if she ever got to that point of deception and hysterics, we had to promise to let her know.

Well, my sister and I did. It did not go over well. We still love our parents as family and what they did for us. We have never discussed Trump again. My father tries to joke using the Fox propaganda. We just ignore it. Their mental capacities and reasoning are shot at their ages and health issues. They are easy targets and can not be saved.

They both know I was a lifelong Republican before MAGA. My sister is liberal and became even more so as a lawyer and seeing the imbalance towards those of color. But my parents wouldn't even listen to me. They are as vulnerable to the cult as they are phone, text, and email scams at this point.
My FIL is the similar, he's 85 and really doesn't think well. And he has ni spine, he believes everything the wonderful church members, who've screwed him multiple times, say.

Back before the election he made a comment about Trump fixing everything. Everyone in the house stopped. I told him he was wrong, trump is a bad person and that we don't discuss trump in our house. If he made that statement again he would have to leave. He got that message and that was the end of the conversation. But I'm sure he still voted trump because the wonderful church people told him to.

I'm sure my brother is a Trumper but we don't talk. My wife has one uncle that's hard core trump, but the family has basically disowned him. The rest are all liberal.
Dont have any I talk to - maybe an aunt, but she sucks and we dont speak to her
All of my family, in laws, siblings and nieces and nephews are MAGA. All are college educated, several with graduate degrees with one nephew in medical school. Lone exception is my son, who is a Romney type liberal who hates Trump.

This counters ya’ll’s tireless narrative that MAGA are all ignorant, uneducated rednecks (not that there’s anything wrong with that) whom polite society should shun.
All of my family, in laws, siblings and nieces and nephews are MAGA. All are college educated, several with graduate degrees with one nephew in medical school. Lone exception is my son, who is a Romney type liberal who hates Trump.

This counters ya’ll’s tireless narrative that MAGA are all ignorant, uneducated rednecks (not that there’s anything wrong with that) whom polite society should shun.
This makes the fact they are in a cult even worse.
Oh, I love them deeply. Its like a bond. It feels good knowing they're not brainwashed by mainstream media and they love their country.
This counters ya’ll’s tireless narrative that MAGA are all ignorant, uneducated rednecks (not that there’s anything wrong with that) whom polite society should shun.

All? No. Most? Yes. This is like pointing out that some blacks. Hispanics, and LGBTQ vote for Trump.

The demographics that Trump carries and carries overwhelmingly are uneducated rural whites and white elderlies. Facts.
Dems had no issue with these folks when they were voting for Clinton and the Dems. Yet, they are shunned and mocked when they switched sides.
All of my family, in laws, siblings and nieces and nephews are MAGA. All are college educated, several with graduate degrees with one nephew in medical school. Lone exception is my son, who is a Romney type liberal who hates Trump.

This counters ya’ll’s tireless narrative that MAGA are all ignorant, uneducated rednecks (not that there’s anything wrong with that) whom polite society should shun.
No one's said that every maga is stupid.

I've often said I'm puzzled by educated people that can't see how bad trump is.

Of course it's interesting how many are now questioning their vote. So many that the GOP has stopped town hall meetings.
Dems had no issue with these folks when they were voting for Clinton and the Dems. Yet, they are shunned and mocked when they switched sides.
You don't question a person that could vote for Clinton and Trump? Sort of a clear indicator that they don't really have conviction in their beliefs.
To my knowledge Bill Clinton didn't try to gut government services and literally fire millions of people from their jobs or instigate an insurrection against our government so he could stay in power, or end vital public services like Medicaid and Medicare and SS that will likely end up with people dying or suffering great harm. Nor did he, if I remember correctly, go after national diversity and scrub things like Black History Month from White House websites. Clinton was hardly perfect, god knows, and he certainly skirted ethical boundaries frequently, but he wasn't even close to Trump or Musk's league on the scale of harming the American people or threatening our democracy and governmental institutions.
Dems had no issue with these folks when they were voting for Clinton and the Dems. Yet, they are shunned and mocked when they switched sides.

What is difficult to understand about judging someone by the policies they endorse? You can't know what the individuals are like so you can't judge them on that basis. You have to go by the policies they enable. Since Trump stands for incompetence, lies and hate, not to mention heresy, there's no way that I could appreciate the people who were either gullible or greedy enough to support him.
This counters ya’ll’s tireless narrative that MAGA are all ignorant, uneducated rednecks (not that there’s anything wrong with that) whom polite society should shun.
Find one post on this board that makes the claim “MAGA are all ignorant, uneducated rednecks”. Just one. If it’s a “tireless narrative” this must be a piece of cake to find. Bring one. Just one.

And when you come up empty then maybe stop and consider that your claimed victimhood on this board is of your own imagination.
First and foremost, there's a huge difference between full MAGA and those who held their nose and voted for Trump. I disagree with both types, but as someone who leaned right and considered myself a moderate for most of my life, I can at least somewhat understand some of the rationalizations of a person who holds that position.

However, anyone who is all in on Trump at this point is either fully brainwashed or is not a good person. I really don't see another option. The man has done more than enough to prove that he doesn't care one bit about this country and the vast majority of the people in it. He certainly doesn't care about anyone outside the country either. He cares about himself and the small circle of influence around him. Period. He's proven it time and time again.

If you are full MAGA at this point, I'm going to assume the best: that you are gullible and have been brainwashed. Seek help.