MAGA family

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I've thought about this a topic a lot. The overwhelming vast majority of my extended family are MAGA supporters. But almost every single one of them are so because they haven't gotten out of Robeson, Scotland, and Bladen Counties, haven't had very diverse life experiences, and haven't been college educated. I disagree with them politically but find it hard to fault them for what I personally consider to be political ignorance (and, shoot, they'd probably say the same of me!) because they simply haven't had the same lived experiences that I have, the same exposures to tons of different places and people that I have, or the fortune of having been able to be educated at a place like the University of North Carolina. In other words, their political views are likely more due to a lack of exposure rather than a lack of humanity or decency. I'm not making excuses for them or anything- just acknowledging that I've had the luxury of being able to change my mind and my beliefs based on lived experience and they haven't.

The MAGA supporters for whom I hold contempt are the ones who *have* been educated, who *have been exposed to lots of different people and places and experiences, who *do* have the learned ability to think critically, yet who still choose enmity voluntarily. These are the folks who have no excuse. I'm not talking about simple disagreements on conservative vs. liberal policy or ideology. I'm talking about the total lack of decency and humanity required to do things like cheer on the marginalization of LGBTQ people, or cheer on the mistreatment of immigrants, or cheer on the firing of federal workers, or cheer on our #1 geopolitical enemy.
First and foremost, there's a huge difference between full MAGA and those who held their nose and voted for Trump. I disagree with both types, but as someone who leaned right and considered myself a moderate for most of my life, I can at least somewhat understand some of the rationalizations of a person who holds that position.

However, anyone who is all in on Trump at this point is either fully brainwashed or is not a good person. I really don't see another option. The man has done more than enough to prove that he doesn't care one bit about this country and the vast majority of the people in it. He certainly doesn't care about anyone outside the country either. He cares about himself and the small circle of influence around him. Period. He's proven it time and time again.

If you are full MAGA at this point, I'm going to assume the best: that you are gullible and have been brainwashed. Seek help.
I've documented numerous examples of my disagreements with Trump.
Of course it's interesting how many are now questioning their vote. So many that the GOP has stopped town hall meetings.
Tech: I think you're believing what you're hearing from your media/bubble. Trump's RCP average approval rating (+/-) is the same as it was on Inauguration Day.
I've documented numerous examples of my disagreements with Trump.
Not that you need my approval or affirmation by any means, but I've definitely come around on you as a poster. I think we have our political and philosophical disagreements in many areas, and our agreements in others, but overall I think that you come by your beliefs and convictions honestly, which I can respect and appreciate.
Tech: I think you're believing what you're hearing from your media/bubble. Trump's RCP average approval rating (+/-) is the same as it was on Inauguration Day.
Why did the head of the GOP tell representatives to stop having town halls?

Rich McCormic didn't look that great in his last town hall.

And I really don't watch any TV news media.
So how do we make sure we don’t go down that route.

Not necessarily televangelists or right wing propaganda as we will always be on heightened alert for those.

But there will be something that entices us when our cognitive levels decline.

As a semi related point, I have always said that if I am facing dementia, I will be euthanized before I get to the point where I can no longer make that decision. I wonder how many people feel the same but get to that point before they realize it.
Too many.

As I understand it, euthanasia is legal in Vermont. I wonder if an MD would approve my mother for the process in her current state? Her cognitive decline is substantial; that said, she still can do most daily activities and take care of herself in the home. But, would an MD say she’s too far gone to opt for euthanasia? That is, is she still cognitively sufficient to make that decision?
All of my family, in laws, siblings and nieces and nephews are MAGA. All are college educated, several with graduate degrees with one nephew in medical school. Lone exception is my son, who is a Romney type liberal who hates Trump.

This counters ya’ll’s tireless narrative that MAGA are all ignorant, uneducated rednecks (not that there’s anything wrong with that) whom polite society should shun.
You neglected to mention that you’ve had sex with all of them. Which brings us right back to the narrative.
Why did the head of the GOP tell representatives to stop having town halls?

Rich McCormic didn't look that great in his last town hall.

And I really don't watch any TV news media.
I don't know if you can draw big picture conclusions by the people who show up at town halls. Those are pretty committed folks. It may be one indicator and it could be the proverbial canary in the coal mine. We'll see.

Plus, MAGA media says they're all paid Soros - backed professionals.
The MAGA supporters for whom I hold contempt are the ones who *have* been educated, who *have been exposed to lots of different people and places and experiences, who *do* have the learned ability to think critically, yet who still choose enmity voluntarily.
I think you're likely overstating the effect "education" has on those who are determined not to take advantage of it.

I know a good number of MAGA who have college degrees, the common denominator for a lot of them is that college was a box-checking exercise and they put a clear division between their classroom experiences and their real lives. And they certainly spent their years in college surrounded by people largely like them who didn't actually expand their personal experiences.

Even the ones who did learn critical-thinking skills, for many it is an academic exercise and not something they carried into their day-to-day lives.
I don't know if you can draw big picture conclusions by the people who show up at town halls. Those are pretty committed folks. It may be one indicator and it could be the proverbial canary in the coal mine. We'll see.

Plus, MAGA media says they're all paid Soros - backed professionals.
Damn, I wish I knew how to get in on those Soros checks i keep hearing about.
I don't know if you can draw big picture conclusions by the people who show up at town halls. Those are pretty committed folks. It may be one indicator and it could be the proverbial canary in the coal mine. We'll see.

Plus, MAGA media says they're all paid Soros - backed professionals.
If they say it, you know it's a lie.
I think you're likely overstating the effect "education" has on those who are determined not to take advantage of it.

I know a good number of MAGA who have college degrees, the common denominator for a lot of them is that college was a box-checking exercise and they put a clear division between their classroom experiences and their real lives. And they certainly spent their years in college surrounded by people largely like them who didn't actually expand their personal experiences.

Even the ones who did learn critical-thinking skills, for many it is an academic exercise and not something they carried into their day-to-day lives.
Dang. Those are good points. I hadn't really considered that perspective but it makes a lot of sense. I was probably projecting my own experience onto others unfairly. For me, my education at UNC was a total trajectory-changer in almost every way possible.
I've thought about this a topic a lot. The overwhelming vast majority of my extended family are MAGA supporters. But almost every single one of them are so because they haven't gotten out of Robeson, Scotland, and Bladen Counties, haven't had very diverse life experiences, and haven't been college educated. I disagree with them politically but find it hard to fault them for what I personally consider to be political ignorance (and, shoot, they'd probably say the same of me!) because they simply haven't had the same lived experiences that I have, the same exposures to tons of different places and people that I have, or the fortune of having been able to be educated at a place like the University of North Carolina. In other words, their political views are likely more due to a lack of exposure rather than a lack of humanity or decency. I'm not making excuses for them or anything- just acknowledging that I've had the luxury of being able to change my mind and my beliefs based on lived experience and they haven't.

The MAGA supporters for whom I hold contempt are the ones who *have* been educated, who *have been exposed to lots of different people and places and experiences, who *do* have the learned ability to think critically, yet who still choose enmity voluntarily. These are the folks who have no excuse. I'm not talking about simple disagreements on conservative vs. liberal policy or ideology. I'm talking about the total lack of decency and humanity required to do things like cheer on the marginalization of LGBTQ people, or cheer on the mistreatment of immigrants, or cheer on the firing of federal workers, or cheer on our #1 geopolitical enemy.
Let’s not confuse having a college diploma, even graduate degree ones, with being well-educated or having the ability to think critically.

One hopes college graduates are educated, open-minded, and able to think critically. Unfortunately, that is often not the case; and, that’s not the fault of the colleges and universities.
Any extended family that is believed to be ideologically pure is really just a bunch of jerks that people have to hide their differing beliefs from.
Dang. Those are good points. I hadn't really considered that perspective but it makes a lot of sense. I was probably projecting my own experience onto others unfairly. For me, my education at UNC was a total trajectory-changer in almost every way possible.
My experience in Chapel Hill was much like yours. I entered Carolina a very conservative Christian who had lived life pretty much surrounded by folks just like himself and left with a much, much broader view of the world (a Christian who was not nearly as conservative).

But my understanding is driven by knowing a significant number of folks who didn't experience Chapel Hill nearly the same way I did. While I was at Carolina, I was a very involved member of one of the large Christian groups. There were many of my fellow group members for whom this was the only student group with which they were involved and they spent nearly all of their time with folks from this group. They literally went to class and the rest their time was with their friends from this group. Many of them remained fairly conservative because they didn't really engage with people outside of this bubble, despite spending 4 years (or more) in Chapel Hill. Now, that's not to say that this was a bad group, many of my closest friends from Caroilna came from this group, but I also spent time in other student groups/activities and I learned a great deal in those environments.

Additionally, I now live back in MAGA country and many of the ones I know who graduated college literally left home for their 4 years of college and then came right back as soon as they were done. And a good number of them came home a lot of weekends while they were in college to see their HS friends. 4 years of college while focused back home isn't nearly enough to overcome a worldview otherwise created over a lifetime.
Among my immediate family, brothers and sisters and their spouces, we are pretty much all liberals, as was the preceding generation. The following generation is much more of a mix.
Virtually all of my immediate and extended family will always be republican. I would still distinguish them as republican over MAGA, but they obviously voted for the chaos that is taking over our country.

How do I deal with them? With love and respect. If a political topic comes up, I am happy to share my thoughts and often times we don't see eye to eye. We all respect each other's beliefs, even if we don't agree. Our love for each other is much more important.
Virtually all of my immediate and extended family will always be republican. I would still distinguish them as republican over MAGA, but they obviously voted for the chaos that is taking over our country.

How do I deal with them? With love and respect. If a political topic comes up, I am happy to share my thoughts and often times we don't see eye to eye. We all respect each other's beliefs, even if we don't agree. Our love for each other is much more important.
This is exactly where I'm at. Very well said.