MAGA Future

Folks forget about Jim and Tammy Faye Baker and the PTL Club? Hell they were building condos and a amusement park and all kinds of crap down there in Charlotte. If I remember right folks had PTL signs like those "thank you Jesus" ones you see everywhere now. Try and get one of the former PTL club members to admit they were ever a member nobody does. It's like all the folks that never voted for Jesse Helms but he'd always win by a landslide. To be honest I look forward to the day that the MAGA crowd crawls back under their rocks.
My wife's uncle and his wife were PTL members. They never say anything about it. I found out the news from my wife.

P.S. - To no one's surprise, they're Trump supporters.
If Trump wins in November, all bets are off. I’m not sure what a 2028 election looks like, but I’m convinced if Trump gets back into the WH, he won’t leave office again while he’s alive.

If he loses, 2028 will be very interesting on the Pub side. Have to think they’d prefer someone like Haley or Youngkin…don’t think DeSantis has “it”. But how much of the MAGA base would get fired up over those options? That’s the thing about a cult…it’s hard to identify an heir apparent because the leader sucks up all the attention/discussion.
To me, the heir apparent to Trump is Don Jr.
Not sure I would agree that most of these were true "populist" movements. But I would add Huey Long and Father Coughlin
Those two would definitely fit. I'd classify them as more radical alternatives to the New Deal. But they were all Populist ideologies. Long and Coughlin both supported FDR early in his administration and Long especially helped FDR get elected.

But Long and Coughlin both turned on FDR for different reasons. Coughlin blamed the banks for the depression and FDR ended up helping them out. Long wanted to absolutely hammer the rich with his Share The Wealth idea. FDR did provide government programs for the poor but wasn't going for wealth redistribution.
Great leaders of great organizations have succession plans. At least that is the case in business. A business that survives on the charisma of its leader dies when the leader dies. I don't think Trump is a great leader and I don't think MAGA is a great organization. MAGA is built on narcissism, so by definition, when Trump goes, the MAGAiest of the MAGAs will splinter as a handful of narcissists try to gain control, and the center of gravity of the party will shift ever so slightly away from crazy. At least that is my hope. Maybe I am just optimistic.
They could run an 82 year old Trump for the 4th straight time
I honestly think that if Trump loses this year, then he'll run again in 2028 if he's still alive and able to walk. For as much money as he's spending he's likely still grifting handsomely from his flock, and combined with his clear love of campaign rallies where he basks in the adoration of his cult, I don't think he'll quit until he's dead, or maybe in prison. And even if he loses this year I wouldn't write him off for the nomination in '28. He easily won the nomination this year despite GOP efforts to take him down, and he's still clearly the dominant figure in the party. Who's going to replace him? Nikki Haley? Kristi Noem? One of the GOP Congressional stiffs and weirdos?
Great leaders of great organizations have succession plans. At least that is the case in business. A business that survives on the charisma of its leader dies when the leader dies. I don't think Trump is a great leader and I don't think MAGA is a great organization. MAGA is built on narcissism, so by definition, when Trump goes, the MAGAiest of the MAGAs will splinter as a handful of narcissists try to gain control, and the center of gravity of the party will shift ever so slightly away from crazy. At least that is my hope. Maybe I am just optimistic.
It’ll shift ever more rapidly to the CRAZY after Trump.

Who are the sane ones who will garner support? How many listed below are “sane” Republicans?
  • Little Marco Rubio
  • Josh Hawley
  • Glenn Youngkin (his governorship ends in January 2026 - that’s a long way to 2028 holding no office; plus, he’s tried to not be viewed as a MAGAt.
  • Tom Cotton
  • Nikki Haley
  • Ted Cruz
  • Tim Scott
  • Rick Scott
  • Greg Abbott
  • Ron DeSantis (tough typing that without laughing hysterically)
  • The GREAT J.D. Vance?
It’ll shift ever more rapidly to the CRAZY after Trump.

Who are the sane ones who will garner support? How many listed below are “sane” Republicans?
  • Little Marco Rubio
  • Josh Hawley
  • Glenn Youngkin (his governorship ends in January 2026 - that’s a long way to 2028 holding no office; plus, he’s tried to not be viewed as a MAGAt.
  • Tom Cotton
  • Nikki Haley
  • Ted Cruz
  • Tim Scott
  • Rick Scott
  • Greg Abbott
  • Ron DeSantis (tough typing that without laughing hysterically)
  • The GREAT J.D. Vance?
I think Haley is definately a shift away from crazy. I'm sure there are others. If the Pubs shift even more towards crazy, they will lose more of the middle and I don't see them winning elections that way. Again, maybe I am just optimistic.
the cult will realize they have been bamboozled when the MAGA Sicherheitsdienst turns to take the guns from their own
