Mark Robinson thread | Sues CNN for Naked Africa reporting

If any of that was going to happen it would have already happened after the terrible decision on taking RFK's name off the ballot.

ETA: another poster suggested there would be a federal law issue, which was not the case in the RFK case, so perhaps that's what you're referring to. I didn't realize that.
No, the decision as to RFK's withdrawal, while highly lacking in logic, was at least plausible. Probably plausible enough to pass the ISL test. In any event, nobody was going to bring a case in federal court over that basically unimportant decision.
Does the gubernatorial candidate have to be a resident of NC? B/c maybe RFK Jr would sue to get his name put back on the ballot, but for governor ...
Maybe. But there are a few problems:

1. Federal law. I don't know who would have a right of action, but plausibly some veterans' groups could go to federal court and sue. They'd get an injunction from the lower court, and it would go to Supremes. I don't trust the Supremes at all, but surely none of them give a fuck about Mark Robinson.

2. The Independent State Legislature doctrine. Oh my, wouldn't this be hilarious. The ISL was *mostly* rejected, but the Court left room to overturn state court decisions that are indefensible as interpretations of state law. That would surely be the case here. So that would arguably confer federal standing.

Watching the NC Supreme Court get hoisted on its own petard would be rich.
As an expat NC voter who would have standing if I don't get a ballot sent out tomorrow, can I count on you to represent me in the lawsuit? :)
Yes, there is a federal deadline to get ballots out to military and overseas voters. That deadline is tomorrow. If NC fails to get ballots out, they’re violating military voters’ rights.
So even if he withdrew and Republicans could agree on a replacement name, how could they possibly print and mail all the new ballots by 5 PM tomorrow?