I grew up in a poor family. We had SNAP at times when I was growing up. I've worked since I was 14 years old. I was a Pell Grant kid. As an adult, I've experienced what it's like to live paycheck to paycheck. I made somewhere between $0-$7.25 for the first three years after I graduated from college, working full-time jobs the entire time. There were many times I had to choose between putting gas in the tank to be able to get to work or food in my belly. I had health insurance only because of the ACA. So I've absolutely been exactly where you say the "common man" is.
Now, I make multiple six-figures myself, and once my spouse begins her first attending physician job later this year, I'll have a household income approaching three quarters of a million dollars. And yet, somehow, someway, instead of voting because I want my top marginal tax rate reduced, or because I want social safety nets slashed since I don't use them, or because I want poor people who pick my crops, cook my food, clean my house, etc. to quit being "lazy freeloaders" and/or get deported because they *might* be here without authorization, I vote because I want ALL Americans to have enough food, shelter, health insurance, childcare help, etc. I don't ever want people to have to choose between putting gas in their tanks or food on their table. I don't want people to suffer through illness and injury not being able to get treated or go to the doctor's office without it bankrupting them. I don't want people who work hard to build our houses, harvest our food, cook and clean in our homes and restaurants, etc. to get kicked out of the country if all they're doing is busting their ass to make a better life.
By contrast, I've got family members who who don't work, who draw disability, who draw veterans benefits, who get food from Meals on Wheels, who are on Medicaid, who subsist solely upon Social Security, who draw unemployment....and guess how they vote? Spoiler: they vote for the person and the party who openly campaigned on slashing, cutting, or reducing all of those social safety nets!
Tell me again about the common man?