Mass Shooting & Gun Violence

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What are the chances people will be in a situation where they need a gun to defend themselves? Yet, people still have guns. I bet the chances of being a victim of gun violence is higher than the chances of using a gun for self defense.
I can tell you that my wife used a gun to defend herself one night when I was at work. Statistics around DGU overall are all over the board depending on your source. That’s why I advocate for people being able to decide whether or not to own a gun based on their unique situation.
Blaming “cultural influences” is the same as blaming race.

As noted in several other posts, poverty is the single biggest indicator/predictor of violence around the world, regardless of race—or, as you put it, “cultural influences.”
Race is different than culture.

Did you see the video posted above?
I still recall that after the school shooting in Uvalde, Texas, instead of admitting the desperate need for some kind of gun control, the GOP actually argued that maybe schools across the country just needed fewer exit and entrance doors so would-be shooters wouldn't be able to enter schools so easily. Of course that would also mean eliminating fire exits in the event of a school fire, but hey, parents have got to make a choice - do they want their child shot by a nut with an AR-15 or dying in a fire? You can't have everything you want!
Don't totally discount the physical environment. There has been a strong correlation internationally with a decline in violence 20 years after the use of leaded gas generally ended regardless of where or when. Since exposure to lead can lead to mental retardation , poor impulse control and violent behavior, that's suggestive. Since lead doesn't degrade in the environment, it still lingers in peeling and cracking lead paint, lead pipes and lead soldered pipes and places where lots of particulate from car exhausts settle like slow moving intercity traffic in the 50s. These are now brought to you by poor neighborhoods everywhere and feature three or four generations whose parenting and social skill were polished by this enhancement.
So those on the right will now focus all blame on the cops for their inaction, rather than admitting that cops are caught in a precarious position that could be alleviated by more stringent gun laws.
I don't know what can be reasonably expected from law enforcement when you're talking a 13 year old kid.
I can tell you that my wife used a gun to defend herself one night when I was at work. Statistics around DGU overall are all over the board depending on your source. That’s why I advocate for people being able to decide whether or not to own a gun based on their unique situation.
99.99% of people don’t need a gun to defend themselves. Sounds like you have an irrational fear of violence.
99.99% of people don’t need a gun to defend themselves. Sounds like you have an irrational fear of violence.

I don't have a fear of anything. If you use your seatbelt when you are in your car, do you have an irrational fear of car accidents? A gun when used correctly is simply a tool, like a seatbelt, an airbag, or a smoke detector. I have all of the above and rarely think about them. But I have also needed all of the above and have been thankful for each.
I don't have a fear of anything. If you use your seatbelt when you are in your car, do you have an irrational fear of car accidents? A gun when used correctly is simply a tool, like a seatbelt, an airbag, or a smoke detector. I have all of the above and rarely think about them. But I have also needed all of the above and have been thankful for each.
Yes, you do. You think people need to own guns when 99.99% of people will never need one to defend themselves.
Your hyperbolic statements about people needing guns for defense is not helpful.
Yes, you do. You think people need to own guns when 99.99% of people will never need one to defend themselves.
Your hyperbolic statements about people needing guns for defense is not helpful.
I think some people need to own guns. Some people do not. Look at your own situation and make an informed decision. Do you have smoke alarms in your house? 99.99% of people will never need them. Do you have an irrational fear of fire?
I can tell you that my wife used a gun to defend herself one night when I was at work. Statistics around DGU overall are all over the board depending on your source. That’s why I advocate for people being able to decide whether or not to own a gun based on their unique situation.
Bo's wife shot somebody!
I don't have a fear of anything. If you use your seatbelt when you are in your car, do you have an irrational fear of car accidents? A gun when used correctly is simply a tool, like a seatbelt, an airbag, or a smoke detector. I have all of the above and rarely think about them. But I have also needed all of the above and have been thankful for each.
So, you and your wife both needed guns on separate occasions to defend your lives?
Are you gang members or something?
I edited my post above. Basically, my opinion is that the problem is fundamentally not solvable under our current regime. But I think it is important to view the problem in the appropriate risk context.

And I think the Covid analogy is directly relevant. Because it is another example of a cost/benefit public safety issue that involves negative externalities. There is a legitimate debate about when the benefit of social isolation outweighed the cost. Likewise, there is a legitimate debate whether spending trillions of dollars hardening schools is the best use of public resources or whether active shooter drills provide a sufficient benefit to outweigh the harm caused to students' psyches.
So which regime can solve the problem?

Until we can get both side talking and find some common ground, I don't see any regime solving the issue.

It's also sort of hard to follow the data when the government doesn't have a central database, thank you NRA, with all of this data.
I can tell you that my wife used a gun to defend herself one night when I was at work. Statistics around DGU overall are all over the board depending on your source. That’s why I advocate for people being able to decide whether or not to own a gun based on their unique situation.
Statistically a person who has a gun in there home is more likely to have a accidental or self inflicted injury than they are to use the gun for protection.

It is my opinion that until the right stops with the defense and protection from government tyranny we will be hard pressed to find common ground. The same can be said for the gun elimination position on the left.

I believe the number one reason for owning a gun is personal enjoyment. Be it hunting, target shooting, competitions, etc. For many guns are fun. Those people should be open to national standards for acquiring, owning, an using a gun. Since they all claim to be responsible gun owners, these laws should not affect them and would result in a reduction in misuse of guns.