Mass Shooting & Gun Violence

  • Thread starter Thread starter nycfan
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Statistically a person who has a gun in there home is more likely to have a accidental or self inflicted injury than they are to use the gun for protection.

It is my opinion that until the right stops with the defense and protection from government tyranny we will be hard pressed to find common ground. The same can be said for the gun elimination position on the left.

I believe the number one reason for owning a gun is personal enjoyment. Be it hunting, target shooting, competitions, etc. For many guns are fun. Those people should be open to national standards for acquiring, owning, an using a gun. Since they all claim to be responsible gun owners, these laws should not affect them and would result in a reduction in misuse of guns.
If your gun is kept properly stored, the risk of an accidental injury is zero. If you are suicidal, you shouldn't have access to a gun, or a car, or any sharp objects, or any rope, or any medications, or any bridges or tall buildings, etc. I'm all for punishing people who don't store their guns correctly and whose kids accidentally or intentionally get ahold of them and harm themselves or someone else.

If you want to get pro-2A people to budge on gun control, do something about the people that are already illegally carrying and using guns. When seconds count the police are minutes to hours away. People realized in 2020 during the pandemic and after the riots that the government can't protect everyone all the time. At some point responsibility falls upon the individual, and taking away an individual's right to defend themselves or their family is a non-starter for many people, myself included.
If your gun is kept properly stored, the risk of an accidental injury is zero. If you are suicidal, you shouldn't have access to a gun, or a car, or any sharp objects, or any rope, or any medications, or any bridges or tall buildings, etc. I'm all for punishing people who don't store their guns correctly and whose kids accidentally or intentionally get ahold of them and harm themselves or someone else.

If you want to get pro-2A people to budge on gun control, do something about the people that are already illegally carrying and using guns. When seconds count the police are minutes to hours away. People realized in 2020 during the pandemic and after the riots that the government can't protect everyone all the time. At some point responsibility falls upon the individual, and taking away an individual's right to defend themselves or their family is a non-starter for many people, myself included.
How do you do anything about the people who are already illegally carrying guns if you can't control the supply, can't create a registry, can't require tracking mechanisms, can't require training courses, etc ad nauseum? Let me guess - stop and frisk?
I can only imagine. This thread lead me to finally putting 2cups on “poof, he was gone” ignore and immediately pages, definitively and likely chalked full of absurd equivalencies, disappeared.
I'm all for the ignore feature. People like Ag who don't like their arguments challenged and who only want to live in their bubbles where everyone tells them how right they are all the time can be happy, and I don't have to deal with their posts anymore either. Win-win.
do something about the people that are already illegally carrying and using guns.

I would love to hear what specific actions you think should be taken regarding "people that are already illegally carrying and using guns" that we don't already take that would have a material difference to our current situation.
Bo's wife shot somebody!
Bo has a friend who has a friend who has a chicken coop. One night when the friend of Bo's friend was at a Klan rally, his wife heard some squawking out in the chicken coop. The wife stepped out on the back porch and yelled, "Shut up you stupid birds. I'm trying to watch my show." The chickens complied. The story got embellished.
You haven’t given any details about the event so hard to say if your wife was even facing a criminal.
I was at work. It was in the winter so it was dark outside but my wife hadn't gone to bed yet so she hadn't armed the security system. Someone tried to break in through a first-floor window. My wife heard a noise and the dog started barking. She grabbed the shotgun and went to investigate. Found and confronted a male in a hoodie with a mask and a crowbar. She screamed and raised the shotgun and he booked it.
Bo has a friend who has a friend who has a chicken coop. One night when the friend of Bo's friend was at a Klan rally, his wife heard some squawking out in the chicken coop. The wife stepped out on the back porch and yelled, "Shut up you stupid birds. I'm trying to watch my show." The chickens complied. The story got embellished.
And stuff like this is why no one takes you seriously. Welcome to super ignore.
I would love to hear what specific actions you think should be taken regarding "people that are already illegally carrying and using guns" that we don't already take that would have a material difference to our current situation.

Mandatory lengthy prison terms for felons caught with firearms or for people who use firearms in the commission of a crime. Too often someone gets busted with an illegal or stolen gun, bonds out, and just buys or steals another one.
Nope, no need to. The presence of the gun was enough to deter the invader.

A more common occurrence is people feel empowered because they have a gun and something bad happens.

Just Google and read how many people are dead because of a combination of road rage and guns. Without the guns, most of these people yell and scream, then go onto work and talk about the guy that cut them off and how they should have beat his ass.

Same can be said for suicide attempts. I've read that people who attempt suicide without a gun are more likely to survive and get help. Compared to suicide attempts with a gun where the statistics are the opposite. Suicide attempts with a gun the person is far more likely to die.

I'm not against gun ownership. But the bullshit we continuously read after every mass shooting needs to stop, so we can figure out how to combat the problem.

We need to start with a comprehensive database, so we can fully study gun violence. Then we need consistent federal ownership and purchase laws. It's ridiculous that a person in a city with very restrictive gun laws can simply go to another state and buy a gun. It's interesting that the right allows this yet they want to stop people from traveling to other states for medical procedures.
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Yea right.

A more common occurrence is people feel empowered because they have a gun and something bad happens.

Just Google and read how many people are dead because of a combination of road rage and guns. Without the guns, most of these people yell and scream, then go onto work and talk about the guy that cut them off and how they should have beat his ass.

Same can be said for suicide attempts. I've read that people who attempt suicide without a gun are more likely to survive and get help. Compared to suicide attempts with a gun where the statistics are the opposite. Suicide attempts with a gun the person is far more likely to die.

I'm not against gun ownership. But the bullshit we continuously read after every mass shooting needs to stop, so we can figure out how to combat the problem.

We need to start with a comprehensive database, so we can fully study gun violence. Then we need consistent federal ownership and purchase laws. It's ridiculous that a person in a city with very restrictive gun laws can simply go to another state and buy a gun. It's interesting that the right allows this yet they want to stop people from traveling to other states for medical procedures.
Yea right? The fuck you mean yea right? You were there?

"This dude raped me."

Yeah right. You probably just had sex and regretted it.
So, you and your wife both needed guns on separate occasions to defend your lives?
Are you gang members or something?
I've lived 56 years and never once needed a gun to protect myself.

And I've been robbed at gun point three different times. And had a work associate murdered and a work associate charged with murder.

And I don't feel that having a gun on my person at the times these things happened would have made me any safer.

I do actually own a couple of guns. And currently I'm storing my BIL's arsenal in a gun safe in my basement.
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Mandatory lengthy prison terms for felons caught with firearms or for people who use firearms in the commission of a crime. Too often someone gets busted with an illegal or stolen gun, bonds out, and just buys or steals another one.
You realize that the "lengthy prison term" wouldn't begin until after they're found guilty of a crime and being able to "bond out" only happens while they're awaiting trial, yes? And that typically those out on bond or on probation/parole for crimes involving weapons aren't allowed to possess firearms and so being caught with said firearms would put them right back in jail either awaiting trial or for a violation of their probation/parole?

How would your proposed solution help our situation?
I've lived 56 years and never once needed a gun to protect myself.

And I've been robbed at gun point three different times. And had a work associate murdered and a work associate charged with murder.

Congratulations! I've lived my entire life without needing a gynecologist. Perhaps no one else needs them, either.
Yea right? The fuck you mean yea right? You were there?

"This dude raped me."

Yeah right. You probably just had sex and regretted it.
I mean I don't believe you, not that it matters. If it really happened, then I'm sorry and glad that no one was hurt.

Pretty simple.

Sorry some dude raped you, did you shoot him? Did you report it?
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