Old people complaining

Finesse, you've always seemed laid back. There are those that generally appreciate what life offers (in all its variations) and those who seem to fight or strongly disagree with results they never had control of to begin with.
Finesse, you've always seemed laid back. There are those that generally appreciate what life offers (in all its variations) and those who seem to fight or strongly disagree with results they never had control of to begin with.
Had to deal with enough seriously bad shit to not sweat the little stuff. Sometimes it's just your turn. All you can do is get up the next day, try to make it better and take care of family and friends as best you can.

I guess giving up is an option. I just don't see that. Now, I've probably spent half my life not caring that much if I lived or died because there was a lot of my youth and early middle age that made me miserable. Decided to just make the best of what was there. Turned out to not be so bad. I think the fear of facing things might be worse than facing them.
Had to deal with enough seriously bad shit to not sweat the little stuff. Sometimes it's just your turn. All you can do is get up the next day, try to make it better and take care of family and friends as best you can.

I guess giving up is an option. I just don't see that. Now, I've probably spent half my life not caring that much if I lived or died because there was a lot of my youth and early middle age that made me miserable. Decided to just make the best of what was there. Turned out to not be so bad. I think the fear of facing things might be worse than facing them.
I subscribe to the Buddhist concept that want just creates pain. I broaden that concept for me to include control. Want and control are two sides of the same coin and both are generally in relation to fear. We want and we want to control because we fear a different outcome. Once I can relinquish most want and most desire to control I have a lot less to fear. So much of the game of life is far far outside our control. There is plenty to fear, but it can be lessened by understanding that there are few meaningful acts of control around said fear. I cannot control what my heart and gallbladder decide to do. I cannot control the weather, I cannot control what choices my loved ones make, when I realize that and let go the fear lessons as well.
LOL! I can't figure out how I got all my personal stuff done when I was working. A dentist appointment or a trip to Costco is something I build my day around now. And I love it! It's like every day is Saturday. I get up, take the dog out for a walk, come back in and have coffee while I do my Wordle and other NY Times games and decide what I will do about breakfast. Around 9 or 10 I wander upstairs to get showered and begin my day.

I love retirement because all those annoying things I had to do before or after work or on weekends I am now able to do midday and relax the rest of the time.
Thursday grocer-Harris Teeter -old farts discount day
Thursday grocer-Harris Teeter -old farts discount day
True, but many times all the buses from the retirement homes are there on senior discount day and the place is full of old folks using their carts as a walker and clogging the aisles while they visit!
I do better catching the manager's specials at Food Lion on Sunday and Wednesday mornings. Those days routinely have the most.
78, they are done with putting on a show. I am getting there quick. OBTW there is no restaurant worth standing in line for, my motto since I was a teenager, I would rather go hungry.
I am a 70 yr old boomer I don't complain about all my 35-40 ish yr old family members-but I am perplexed about many of their careers. I don't even know what some of them do on their laptops at home-I feel badly for them that their employing companies-seem so unfocused on developing careers
On the other hand two of them are small business owners and seemingly have the same lives that small business owners have always had.
Now I do have one friend my age that just can't go out to eat without some "issue" about the food, the server, the airconditioning-something
Ha, I am in my mid 30s and have a work from home laptop job with a job description that sounds fake explaining it to someone who doesn’t work in tech. I would describe that type of career like you are essentially working for yourself.

In my experience, those companies will give you the requisite training and infrastructure, but from there no one is really going to lay out a career path for you and guide you step by step. If you want to fly somewhat under the radar in a low stress individual contributor role, you can do that pretty much indefinitely if you can work efficiently and have good people skills (I.e. be responsive and at least consistently do the minimum that’s asked of you by management while not complaining and being difficult to get along with), and still make good money along the way too.

If you work in that industry and want a more traditional career trajectory where you work your way into leadership positions and take on more responsibility (and make more money), that’s certainly an attainable option, but it’s solely on you to do the networking and put in the extra work to make it happen.
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LOL! I can't figure out how I got all my personal stuff done when I was working. A dentist appointment or a trip to Costco is something I build my day around now. And I love it! It's like every day is Saturday. I get up, take the dog out for a walk, come back in and have coffee while I do my Wordle and other NY Times games and decide what I will do about breakfast. Around 9 or 10 I wander upstairs to get showered and begin my day.

I love retirement because all those annoying things I had to do before or after work or on weekends I am now able to do midday and relax the rest of the time.

I just realized one of the things that I most enjoy about the time that I spend in Central America. Sometimes what you describe is quite literally my day there. I outline a task and then set out to navigate the cultural challenges of language, custom, transportation, and time. Just a trip to the market and finding everything you're looking for, spiced up with multiple interactions along the way with vendors and other shoppers, can really make your day.

Interesting to read here about old folks complaining...both my parents lived to be 93 years old with my Deddy passing on three years before my mother. They never complained about much of anything. My Deddy, who lost the fingers on his left hand at 13, especially never whined one time. My mother did pretty much despise republicans and ratface over in derm and complained about both a good deal.

I think I'm the same way for the most part. Tending bar for almost 25 years helped in that regard.
I just turned 73yo

Despite a broken shoulder, degenerative disc disease, and a detached retina ( eye surgery tomorrow) I have no complaints and have never been more content than I am today.

Enjoying my wife of 43 years, my kids, and my grandkids makes life good for me. I just hope Trump doesn't fuck up my high on life ride :)
I just turned 73yo

Despite a broken shoulder, degenerative disc disease, and a detached retina ( eye surgery tomorrow) I have no complaints and have never been more content than I am today.

Enjoying my wife of 43 years, my kids, and my grandkids makes life good for me. I just hope Trump doesn't fuck up my high on life ride :)
Happy birthday!
I suggest bridge pose every morning. 3 sets of 10 and hold the last one for as long as you can, squeezing the buttocks together. Strengthen those glut muscles and others around the pelvic areas. Helps with degenerative disc disease and all other lower back ailments.
ETA: as long as you’ve recovered from shoulder injury… bridge pose may be difficult if shoulder is still messed up!
I just turned 73yo

Despite a broken shoulder, degenerative disc disease, and a detached retina ( eye surgery tomorrow) I have no complaints and have never been more content than I am today.

Enjoying my wife of 43 years, my kids, and my grandkids makes life good for me. I just hope Trump doesn't fuck up my high on life ride :)
Strange for someone in hell.
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Happy birthday!
I suggest bridge pose every morning. 3 sets of 10 and hold the last one for as long as you can, squeezing the buttocks together. Strengthen those glut muscles and others around the pelvic areas. Helps with degenerative disc disease and all other lower back ailments.
ETA: as long as you’ve recovered from shoulder injury… bridge pose may be difficult if shoulder is still messed up!
You aren't spying on me are you ? ;)

I am going to physical therapy for my shoulder and my disc disease. I broke my shoulder in June and I have pretty good progress. MY says I am at about 80% which I can live with it gets no better.

And I do bridges every morning before getting out bed along with other exercises during the day. There are some days that I have to use my walker to get going in the morning but I'm good to walk without the walker and little pain from mid morning to bed time.

I'm a bit anxious about my eye surgery and I will have to live life face down for two weeks as I recover, but after that I plan to come out with guns blazing :cool:
Happy birthday!
I suggest bridge pose every morning. 3 sets of 10 and hold the last one for as long as you can, squeezing the buttocks together. Strengthen those glut muscles and others around the pelvic areas. Helps with degenerative disc disease and all other lower back ailments.
ETA: as long as you’ve recovered from shoulder injury… bridge pose may be difficult if shoulder is still messed up!
This was me at dinner last night. These millennials (a few couples together) in the restaurant with about 6-7 kids between them. Kids were crawling all over the floor blocking where folks needed to walk. It drove me nuts. Told my wife that millennials already think the world revolves around them so their kids can do whatever the hell they want, damned the consequences to others around.
Confirmation bias? Maybe. Maybe not all are fully true...this is the internet by the way, but still entertaining.

I find the anti-Boomer sentiments on Reddit to be pretty funny.

Although I've noticed lately they're starting to come for the Gen X'ers and that is not nearly as funny.
You aren't spying on me are you ? ;)

I am going to physical therapy for my shoulder and my disc disease. I broke my shoulder in June and I have pretty good progress. MY says I am at about 80% which I can live with it gets no better.

And I do bridges every morning before getting out bed along with other exercises during the day. There are some days that I have to use my walker to get going in the morning but I'm good to walk without the walker and little pain from mid morning to bed time.

I'm a bit anxious about my eye surgery and I will have to live life face down for two weeks as I recover, but after that I plan to come out with guns blazing :cool:
First, good luck with eye procedure. Two weeks face down doesn't sound like fun. Though I'm used to living life face down because I've been getting screwed for a long time now.

Second, No, not spying - hahaha!

Finally, listen to your PT guy/gal. But also seek out a good massage therapist. And there is one online guy that does a good job of EXPLAINING why "we" suffer a lot of lower back issues: Stenosis, Sciatica, Piriformis syndrome, SI joint issues, Disc issues, etc. etc. - Dr. Ryan Peebles. Google him. He Also has tons of free videos on YouTube. He's also the first to say: "Don't just take my word for it... do more research, check out other PT specialists, seek out other professionals, talk to your doctor, etc."
That said, everyone I've dealt with all seem to say the bridge pose - DONE PROPERLY - is a great exercise for lower back issues.
