I just realized one of the things that I most enjoy about the time that I spend in Central America. Sometimes what you describe is quite literally my day there. I outline a task and then set out to navigate the cultural challenges of language, custom, transportation, and time. Just a trip to the market and finding everything you're looking for, spiced up with multiple interactions along the way with vendors and other shoppers, can really make your day.
Interesting to read here about old folks complaining...both my parents lived to be 93 years old with my Deddy passing on three years before my mother. They never complained about much of anything. My Deddy, who lost the fingers on his left hand at 13, especially never whined one time. My mother did pretty much despise republicans and ratface over in derm and complained about both a good deal.
I think I'm the same way for the most part. Tending bar for almost 25 years helped in that regard.