Olympics & Politics - Boxing Controversy; France blocks 1,000+ people accused of spying from the Olympics. Rail lines attacked

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Yeah, this has the MAGA’s foaming at the mouth, all over social media this morning.

It must be pretty depressing to go through life this angry/scared, always searching for the next villain 24x7.
These women were designated as female at birth. Since gender designation at birth seems to be the infallible holy grail for transphobe extremists who are so concerned about where people pee, I don’t understand what their bitch is with these boxers.
This is a terrific case study in how disinformation spreads almost immediately throughout the right wing infosphere. I bet 99% of right wingers think these women are trans, when they absolutely are not. That “fact” is now baked in for the outrage party, though.
This is a terrific case study in how disinformation spreads almost immediately throughout the right wing infosphere. I bet 99% of right wingers think these women are trans, when they absolutely are not. That “fact” is now baked in for the outrage party, though.
And now its up to the same right wing bubble to fact check themselves when that's something they just won't do.
This is a good article that talks about some of the issues of people that go through puberty as a man and compete against women and how sports governing bodies are struggling to keep it fair.

Basically, sports governing bodies are trying to figure it out. The International Olympic Committee (IOC) has a standard where they should be allowed to compete as long as there is not a safety or fairness issue... whatever that means. The IOC mostly leaves it up to the individual sports governing bodies.

For boxing, the IOC is making the decision because the old governing body for boxing was very corrupt. But the old sports governing body did ban two of these women while the IOC is letting them fight.

IIRC, the old governing body measured their testosterone, and it was above acceptable levels. I don't know whether the IOC does that, or whether they have different thresholds. But if someone was born a woman, they should be able to compete as a woman (subject to the same standard doping tests).
IIRC, the old governing body measured their testosterone, and it was above acceptable levels. I don't know whether the IOC does that, or whether they have different thresholds. But if someone was born a woman, they should be able to compete as a woman (subject to the same standard doping tests).
I don't think its quite that clear cut. There are safety and fairness concerns.

OTOH, there are social concerns for kids going through high school. I think the interactions for a vulnerable teen are more valuable than a high school win/loss record.

I'm starting to form a position somewhere around:

-Allow high schoolers to compete but no state records.

-Allow college and professionals to compete in non contact sports but no records.

-Don't allow college or pros to compete in contact sports.

As opposed to some hard culture war rule, my main thoughts are keep the vulnerable pre-teens and teens as mentally healthy as possible by letting them participate but keep the participation safe and fair for adult women who didn't go through puberty with the higher testosterone levels.

I'd be interested in others thoughts on how best to handle a difficult issue, especially if they can get past the MAGA/counter MAGA culture war stuff.
This is a terrific case study in how disinformation spreads almost immediately throughout the right wing infosphere. I bet 99% of right wingers think these women are trans, when they absolutely are not. That “fact” is now baked in for the outrage party, though.
Same brand of jackasses periodically harass Ilona Maher. The disinformation doesn’t matter because they don’t care about the facts.
The Taiwanese boxer who is the other one with the high testosterone won her bout on points over her opponent from Uzbekistan.

Surprisingly, the Uzbek fighter competed hard and although she lost the fight on all 5 judges' cards, she did win some individual rounds in the eyes of some judges. So pretty weird because I thought everyone was supposed to just quit the first time they got punched.