Photos you’ve taken

Whenever we travel, I end up taking a lot of very colorful, somewhat abstract photos. We traveled to Guatemala last year, and here are a few photos I’m proud of:IMG_6423.jpeg



Photo #2 is one of my favorite sights on the planet. And my second home. Is #1 Flores? #3 the cemetery at Chichicastenango?
I took this photo on Liberation Saturday (November 7, 2020) when the news was first proclaimed that trump had gone down in defeat. The man waving the flag is perched above the front door of The Alabama, a 100+ year-old apartment building on Tiemann Place in #WestHarlem. His face and posture show the pure joy that so many of us around the country felt that day as we finally saw a promise of leaving behind the dark, dark Times of Trump.

I took this photo on Liberation Saturday (November 7, 2020) when the news was first proclaimed that trump had gone down in defeat. The man waving the flag is perched above the front door of The Alabama, a 100+ year-old apartment building on Tiemann Place in #WestHarlem. His face and posture show the pure joy that so many of us around the country felt that day as we finally saw a promise of leaving behind the dark, dark Times of Trump.

Is that Obama’s never-known long-lost brother?
Great Wall of China. Picture was taken on an old crappy smartphone back in 2010 so the picture quality isn’t great. Picture doesn’t do it justice, but the Great Wall is one of the coolest things I’ve ever seen.

Dang, I tried to post a 6 second video and it said "Oops, we ran into problems, video file was too large"...