Post how much you paid for eggs today

It's so fitting that this is the thing. I posted on FB after he won that "We'll now find out the true price of eggs," by which I meant much more than eggs. Lo and behold, eggs actually becomes a thing.

I suppose I should put this in my Irony thread.

The problem with a candidate for POTUS blaming something on the POTUS that said candidate knows the POTUS has virtually no control over (like eggflation caused by a bird flu epidemic) is that the same argument is even easier to flip on you using your prior false claims against you.

Trump responded yesterday by amplifying an admonition for everyone to “shut up” about eggs. So he is hearing it.

Our anxiety about the economy is spiking — along with egg prices​

The rise in egg prices unnerves consumers and makes us question the wider economic environment​

“… The price of eggs has risen by 50% over the past year. The average cost of a dozen Grade A large eggs hovers at $4.95, up 240% from $1.46 five years ago. To put that in context: annual inflation hit 3% in January. We grudgingly accept price hikes in real estate. But eggs? Not so much.

… Eggs are an “inelastic” commodity: as prices rise customers don’t necessarily stop buying them; there are precious few alternatives. Economist Jason Lusk says a 1% rise in price only reduces demand by 0.15% and, if the supply falls by 1%, prices will rise by about 6.67%.

… A shortage of eggs “serves as what psychologists call a ‘heuristic,’ a mental shortcut that shapes our broader perceptions,” he wrote recently. “When something as mundane as eggs becomes difficult to obtain, it triggers a feeling that something is fundamentally not working.”

… Shortages hurt, whether it’s baby formula in 2022 or eggs in 2025.

“This, in turn, feeds into larger anxieties about inflation, the economy, the cost of living, and supply-chain vulnerabilities,” Harrison, the economist, says. “It reinforces the growing sentiment that we are living in precarious times.”

“The egg shortage won’t last forever, but it is a symptom of a larger problem; one that will only become more pressing in the years ahead,” he adds.

“Climate change, resource depletion, and shifting economic structures will make certain commodities more volatile.”

“The question is not just how we react to these shortages, but how we prepare for them,” Harrison says.

“There is no easy fix. But a meaningful first step would be acknowledging that we have been living in an era of extraordinary abundance; one that may not be sustainable.” …”
Literally the only benefit of him being in office again is that many of his ridiculous and blatant lies (like egg prices coming down) are immediately being put to the smell-test in front of the world. Too much even for the spin of fox news to counter, when people go to the grocery store and see rising prices with their own eyes. It’s the kind of accountability that he and his media can’t manipulate against for long, try as they of course will.

We’ll find out how long the idiots who voted for him can afford to keep smelling egg farts and continue to call it roses. Since we’re all along for the ride anyway, it’s going to be fun to watch these imbeciles turn on him slowly but surely. Not just the moderates, but some of the cultists will start to shed away too. They’re among the hardest hit by these prices. And they can’t afford to buy into his bullshit newly hatched and half-baked “long term vision” for the economy.
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Literally the only benefit of him being in office again is that many of his ridiculous and blatant lies (like egg prices coming down) are immediately being put to the smell-test in front of the world. Too much even for the spin of fox news to counter, when people go to the grocery store and see rising prices with their own eyes. It’s the kind of accountability that he and his media can’t manipulate against for long, try as they of course will.

We’ll find out how long the idiots who voted for him can afford to keep smelling egg farts and continue to call it roses. Since we’re all along for the ride anyway, it’s going to be fun to watch these imbeciles turn on him slowly but surely. Not just the moderates, but some of the cultists will start to shed away too. They’re among the hardest hit by these prices. And they can’t afford to buy into his bullshit newly hatched and half-baked “long term vision” for the economy.
Especially when that "long term vision" involves royally screwing over his own base for his own profit and that of his fellow billionaires. Most Trumpers are white working-class folk living in already economically marginal towns and cities and rural areas, and they will be the ones who bear the brunt of Trump & Musk and Project 2025's Brave New World Economy. As the social safety net gets cut at least some of these folks are going to end up on the street with almost nothing to their name. If nothing else many of these folks are about to get a brutal education in just how much they really do depend on the federal government for their well-being and even survival.
Especially when that "long term vision" involves royally screwing over his own base for his own profit and that of his fellow billionaires. Most Trumpers are white working-class folk living in already economically marginal towns and cities and rural areas, and they will be the ones who bear the brunt of Trump & Musk and Project 2025's Brave New World Economy. As the social safety net gets cut at least some of these folks are going to end up on the street with almost nothing to their name. If nothing else many of these folks are about to get a brutal education in just how much they really do depend on the federal government for their well-being and even survival.
They’ll blame their problems on NAFTA and Clinton…..then add Obama into their complaints……and then Biden’s inflation.

Add some trans people and brown people; and, the stew is complete.
Literally the only benefit of him being in office again is that many of his ridiculous and blatant lies (like egg prices coming down) are immediately being put to the smell-test in front of the world. Too much even for the spin of fox news to counter, when people go to the grocery store and see rising prices with their own eyes. It’s the kind of accountability that he and his media can’t manipulate against for long, try as they of course will.

We’ll find out how long the idiots who voted for him can afford to keep smelling egg farts and continue to call it roses. Since we’re all along for the ride anyway, it’s going to be fun to watch these imbeciles turn on him slowly but surely. Not just the moderates, but some of the cultists will start to shed away too. They’re among the hardest hit by these prices. And they can’t afford to buy into his bullshit newly hatched and half-baked “long term vision” for the economy.

You assume these people are logical. They'll continue to make excuses for him and remain in denial that they were duped. And many do not even care if their lives are worse as long as they believe someone with their same bass-ackward bigoted ideas is in power. And you have to remember, most of his base is living paycheck to paycheck anyway and always have been. Their life is a permanent recession. They don't have the wherewithal to comprehend the big picture of what is going on with the world. It is the perfect real-world example of Plato's allegory of the cave.
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