Pro Rasslin

My dad liked wrestling, but not to a level of worship that some do.
I was a pretty big Wrestling fan from the ages of 8-23. Then I wasn’t.

In college myself and 2 of my roommates ordered the Wresting Game from the back of one of those magazines. It had dice, player cards, etc. We’d spend hours setting up cards and playing out matches. We had different colored paper clips we’d attach to cards for the various belts. I had Ric Flair in my stable the other two were led by Dusty Rhodes, and Lex Luger. It was great fun.

One of the guys went on to be a pretty well known Indy wrestler who went by the name of Simon Diamond. He’s still in the business to this day.

I don’t watch it all now but I have some great memories.
Raw debuts on Netflix tomorrow night. Lots of big matches, Cena returns, and I bet Rock will show up.