Random question about vacationing...

I'm curious about the Finger Lakes. I've been flirting for ages with the idea of getting a lake house somewhere within driving distance of NYC... Poconos, Catskills, Finger Lakes, etc. But I just don't know enough about any of them to ever get close to pulling the trigger.

As it stands right now, I have spent the same week every year for the past decade in Montauk, driving there with friends. Outside of that week, much like the OP, I only do vacations I fly to... and usually nothing closer than 3 hours flight.

Granted for me, flying is easier. I don't have a car. So unless I'm going with a friend who drives (like Montauk), for me it's much easier to kick my feet back on a flight, have a few drinks, and let the pilot and flight crew worry about everything.
You’re about 300 miles from the closest Finger Lake. That’s way too far for a vacation place from NYC.
The Finger Lakes region is beautiful .. at least during the summer and probably during the fall (though I’ve never spent time there in the fall). Not every part of it is beautiful. There are some run down towns that were once attractive, quaint towns that hit hard times and lost their industries and much of their populations. But most of the areas round around the lakes are beautiful.

Different locations around the lakes have different vibes, which makes it fun to explore. And it’s such a vast area, there is so much in that region that I have not yet seen. Also a lot of good hiking with scenic waterfalls.

I always have a hard time leaving after spending our time there in the summer. Life just moves at a very different pace there . I very much look forward to the day when I can spend all of July and August up there, though I l don't want to wish time away.
The Finger Lakes Trail Conference used to publish a great series of maps and trail descriptions for the entire area. They still might.

Each lake area has a slew of trails near it.

At the south end of Canandaigua is the Hi Tor Area and in it Conklin’s Gully - the gully is more of a narrow canyon than a gully. It ends at Angel Falls - about 90-100 vertical feet…..great winter mixed climbing or straight up ice climbing.
You’re about 300 miles from the closest Finger Lake. That’s way too far for a vacation place from NYC.

Where our place is on Seneca Lake is about a 4.5-hour drive from NYC; about 250 miles. Some of the people in our small community come from NYC. Hell, we drive from Charlotte. The NYC folks come back and forth more than we do.

Ithaca is probably the closest Finger Lakes town to NYC. It’s a little under a 4-hour drive and about 225 miles away.

The south parts of Cayuga and Seneca are probably the closest parts of the Finger Lakes to NYC. They are the two biggest of the lakes and extend pretty far south.

Canandaigua (the town), which is west of Seneca and Cayuga, as well as Keuka, and on the northern tip of Canandaigua Lake is about 300 miles from NYC and about a 5.25-hour drive.
Where our place is on Seneca Lake is about a 4.5-hour drive from NYC; about 250 miles. Some of the people in our small community come from NYC. Hell, we drive from Charlotte. The NYC folks come back and forth more than we do.

Ithaca is probably the closest Finger Lakes town to NYC. It’s a little under a 4-hour drive and about 225 miles away.

The south parts of Cayuga and Seneca are probably the closest parts of the Finger Lakes to NYC. They are the two biggest of the lakes and extend pretty far south.

Canandaigua (the town), which is west of Seneca and Cayuga, as well as Keuka, and on the northern tip of Canandaigua Lake is about 300 miles from NYC and about a 5.25-hour drive.
I look at a vacation place from NYC as being a weekend place - I’m not driving 4-5 hours one way for a weekend place.
I look at a vacation place from NYC as being a weekend place - I’m not driving 4-5 hours one way for a weekend place.

I could live with anything under 5 hours. Obviously under 4 is better, and under 3 is ideal.

I know some folks who drive 4+ hours from Charlotte to get to their beach houses (even though there are a number of beaches you can get to in less than 4 hours). And it used to be that a lot more beaches where folks from Charlotte had beach houses were over 4 hours away, but that’s changed in recent years with more freeways and toll roads built.

But yeah, if I’ve got the option for somewhere within 3 hours vs. somewhere over 4 hours, I’m taking the one within 3. Unless the place over 4 hours is a lot better.
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I look at a vacation place from NYC as being a weekend place - I’m not driving 4-5 hours one way for a weekend place.
I was thinking more something I could go for 2 to 3 weeks at a time... work maybe half the time there. At present although I'm supposed to go into the office twice a week, I rarely go in more than once every couple weeks... and over the summer, even less. Nobody I manage is based out of NYC. The only person who gives me grief about coming into the office is my CFO, and she spends her entire summer in France.

Though a place I could also do the occasional weekend trip would certainly be preferable. But as long as I can get good internet, I can set up a back-up office from pretty much anywhere... and if it's in NY state, I don't have to worry about tax issues.
I was thinking more something I could go for 2 to 3 weeks at a time... work maybe half the time there. At present although I'm supposed to go into the office twice a week, I rarely go in more than once every couple weeks... and over the summer, even less. Nobody I manage is based out of NYC. The only person who gives me grief about coming into the office is my CFO, and she spends her entire summer in France.

Though a place I could also do the occasional weekend trip would certainly be preferable. But as long as I can get good internet, I can set up a back-up office from pretty much anywhere... and if it's in NY state, I don't have to worry about tax issues.
Hell, get a place on a Finger Lake!