Reminder: Clock Springs Forward this weekend

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Back when Jeff Jackson was still in Congress, I replied to one of his update emails with a message that my top legislative priority was to get rid of Standard Time or Day Light Saving Time. And I added, I didn't care which got deleted, as long as one did. I got a personalized response from one of his aides indicated that not only was this a top priority with Jeff Jackson, it was also a top priority with pretty big majority of Congress. He added that notwithstanding the widespread and bipartisan support for getting rid of either "Spring Forward" or "Fall Back," Congress was so helplessly deadlocked along partisan lines that he expected nothing would be done because responding to constituents' actual concerns, just wasn't a priority for a Congressional Majority that was all about striking a pose on cultural issues that divide, rather than unite, people.
I had a wondeful co-worker, at first a mentor, that was just tore up for several weeks every time it changed.......
Hate this shit. I'm a night owl who tends to stay up too late anyway so the last thing I need is to lose an hour of sleep. Spring forward is also a painful reminder that The Pollening is right around the corner.
Americans just love to complain and worry about the stupidest shit....... its one measly hour.
Are you not tired of this schtick yet? Do you still think you’re clever?
It’s really the most pathetic thing I’ve ever seen on the internet. It’s so stale and unoriginal at this point.
People who advocate for permanent DST don't have kids. No way you wanna get up and send kids to school when it's dark until almost 9 am.

Keeping standard is better. But even then, sunlight at 4am in June is not cool
They need to adjust the clocks to align with the longest day of the year and leave it there.

Ii understand your point, but there's data that indicates that switching times produces increased medical risk.