OK Dr. Bob, I will give you my take in bullet point fashion because I'm stating it in generalities. I will start with the bad first because there is more to list than the good.
The Bad:
1) Whoever decided it was a good idea to do that in front of the press was incredibly wrong. Just goes to show that behind closed doors at the highest levels of meetings possible, things can sound incredibly like an argument in a principal's office
2) JD came off not looking like a harvard educated lawyer in this impromptu conversation. He made the situation worse in actually arguing with Zel. He was supposed to be the adult in the room and he wound up looking like a bitch trying to take up for trump.
3) Trump was typical trump. The demands from him and JD berating Zel about not being appreciative and accusing him of not saying thank you was like they had no idea at all that humiliating Zel wouldn't result in anything positive and sounded like a parent scolding a spoiled child. Again, WHY was this on TV?
4) Zel acted like a bitch and was being disrespectful given that there were cameras everywhere. If in private it wouldn't have been so bad. How does he not wear something more professional to meet the potus?
5) The immaturity from JD and Zel was astonishing. I expect it from trump
6) Trump kicking him out of the WH given that it was reported that the Ukrainians were begging to get the deal done after the circus was not good. He had a chance to get it done and instead now makes it much harder than it had to be.
7) Even if a deal is eventually made, this isn't going to play well to the rest of the world in the short term as Zel will always be the underdog and elicit sympathy. Even if trump is technically "right" he created the impression of a bully. That could have easily been avoided if they had done this behind closed doors. Although outside of the zzl, all anyone will remember is the peace deal after a couple of months.
The Good:
1) All is not lost. It appears that Zel still wants to make a deal and that it will likely still happen
2) If it happens trump will have a technical win as he will have achieved something brandon never even tried or could never do. Peace will be what is ultimately focused on. Trump is motivated to continue to try to make it happen as he wants the nobel prize.
3) If it happens we will be that much less dependent on china and we will get our $$$ back
That's all I can think of between calls. Not the best of days but there is always tomorrow.