You know that our resident Trumpers and bosiders have lost this argument when they're retroactively blaming Obama for a war that started five years after he left office, or using his words from years ago to try and argue that Democrats were wrong about Russia too - even though it was Democrats under Biden who have been arming and supporting Ukraine since the war started, and it's Trump and the Republicans who appear totally clueless as to what Putin really is and that he is no way our friend or ally.
Meanwhile in the here and now their party's leader is kissing Putin's ass left and right, driving a deep wedge between us and every one of our allies, uniting Europe against us, and literally doing Putin's bidding by having our draft dodger POTUS petulantly chew out a global hero whose underdog nation has heroically held out for three years against a nation that has done nothing but try to harm and divide us since Putin seized power decades ago. I know that this may shock the Trumpers and bosiders on this board, but perhaps, just perhaps, Trump is so enamored of Putin that he's willingly doing his bidding at the expense of our traditional allies and to the long-term detriment of the country he is leading and whose interests he is supposedly serving.