Someone explain the federal govt job purge to me like I'm a child

For the record, back on the old ZZL, where I was despised as a Pub, I shared my story of working one summer as a student for the State Budget Office.

I did not give a flattering review of the work ethic and efficiency there. Point being that I, and I imagine most, have no problem cleaning out some bloat, inefficiencies, and increasing accountability and results.

What Musk is doing with this stupid email ploy accomplishes none of that, and doesn't even try. Sending an email to a million workers and asking them to list 5 things they accomplished the previous week is ridiculous on so many levels.

First, a janitor could easily do that. Who will ever be able to read so many emails, and even if they could, what if anything, would it accomplish?

Anyone with an average IQ (a low bar) and any basic logic skills can easily see how stupid and juvenile it is. It is nothing more than a ploy to piss off and demean all Fed workers. The additional intent is simply to rile up the low IQ low info MAGAt as if this is "draining the swamp" or "exposing the deep state."

And here comes ramrouser trying to equate some sort of intelligence or usefulness to this BS. That tells me all I need to know about his mental aptitude.

As I said, I firmly believe there is tremendous waste and lack of productivity and results due to many factors in public sector employment. But this weak ass nonsense does nothing, and only an imbecile would support it.
For the record, back on the old ZZL, where I was despised as a Pub, I shared my story of working one summer as a student for the State Budget Office.

I did not give a flattering review of the work ethic and efficiency there. Point being that I, and I imagine most, have no problem cleaning out some bloat, inefficiencies, and increasing accountability and results.

What Musk is doing with this stupid email ploy accomplishes none of that, and doesn't even try. Sending an email to a million workers and asking them to list 5 things they accomplished the previous week is ridiculous on so many levels.

First, a janitor could easily do that. Who will ever be able to read so many emails, and even if they could, what if anything, would it accomplish?

Anyone with an average IQ (a low bar) and any basic logic skills can easily see how stupid and juvenile it is. It is nothing more than a ploy to piss off and demean all Fed workers. The additional intent is simply to rile up the low IQ low info MAGAt as if this is "draining the swamp" or "exposing the deep state."

And here comes ramrouser trying to equate some sort of intelligence or usefulness to this BS. That tells me all I need to know about his mental aptitude.

As I said, I firmly believe there is tremendous waste and lack of productivity and results due to many factors in public sector employment. But this weak ass nonsense does nothing, and only an imbecile would support it.
As a person who’s worked in both private and public sectors, I can say without equivocation that I made far more money for far less work in the private sector.

I left the private sector (specifically pharma/tech communications/press) because I felt dirty profiting so much while doing so little—particularly in industries that often seemed at cross-purposes with helping those they proclaimed to help.
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For the record, back on the old ZZL, where I was despised as a Pub, I shared my story of working one summer as a student for the State Budget Office.

I did not give a flattering review of the work ethic and efficiency there. Point being that I, and I imagine most, have no problem cleaning out some bloat, inefficiencies, and increasing accountability and results.

What Musk is doing with this stupid email ploy accomplishes none of that, and doesn't even try. Sending an email to a million workers and asking them to list 5 things they accomplished the previous week is ridiculous on so many levels.

First, a janitor could easily do that. Who will ever be able to read so many emails, and even if they could, what if anything, would it accomplish?

Anyone with an average IQ (a low bar) and any basic logic skills can easily see how stupid and juvenile it is. It is nothing more than a ploy to piss off and demean all Fed workers. The additional intent is simply to rile up the low IQ low info MAGAt as if this is "draining the swamp" or "exposing the deep state."

And here comes ramrouser trying to equate some sort of intelligence or usefulness to this BS. That tells me all I need to know about his mental aptitude.

As I said, I firmly believe there is tremendous waste and lack of productivity and results due to many factors in public sector employment. But this weak ass nonsense does nothing, and only an imbecile would support it.
Appreciate the post.

Hazarding a guess, a summer employee/intern likely had little clue as to the workflow or work ethic of the State Budget office.
Fair enough zoo. I certainly was not working in the upper echelons of the department. I was doing basic excel (actually probably Lotus with wiziwig at time) number crunching. Probably more difficult work than others in the big office.

But knowing the business world and comparing to low level clerical or call center type low level jobs in private sector, the expectations and productivity were like comparing night and day.

Just an honest observation. Think of a visit to your local DMV office, just sad, inept and a failed system. There was no motivation, no threat of job loss, no aspirations and no pride. But outstanding pensions and retirement at 55 with health coverage.
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Fair enough zoo. I certainly was not working in the upper echelons of the department. I was doing basic excel (actually probably Lotus with wiziwig at time) number crunching. Probably more difficult work than others in the big office.

But knowing the business world and comparing to low level clerical or call center type low level jobs in private sector, the expectations and productivity were like comparing night and day.

Just an honest observation. Think of a visit to your local DMV office, just sad, inept and a failed system. There was no motivation, no threat of job loss, no aspirations and no pride. But outstanding pensions and retirement at 55 with health coverage.
Regarding the State Budget office:
  • Was the State Legislature in session during your brief time in that office? Was it the Long Session or Short?
  • Is the State Budget office busiest when the Legislature is in session? Long session? Short session?
  • Is the State Business office busiest when the Legislature is out-of-session?
Regarding DMV employees, I expect most DMV employees wish they had better systems - technology, processes, etc. In particular, I expect they wish they had more frontline staff.

Each time I’ve ever renewed or acquired a license it’s been easy and the people are friendly, kind, and helpful. They’re also understaffed. I’ve “gotten” new licenses in NC, VT, MA, NY, ME, and NC. Renewed in NC, ME, and NC.

That includes taking my octogenarian Mom into a Greensboro DMV because that was the closest office with an open appointment. She needed a State ID because her Driver’s License had expired and no way could she get a renewal license. We scheduled her appointment and we were in-and-out within 15-20 minutes. We might have left before the scheduled appointment start-time.

Carrboro (DMV, Post Office, Police, Municipal) might have the nicest government employees. Going back decades, Chapel Hillians went to the Carrboro Post Office because it was quicker, more efficient, and the staff was nicer than the Chapel Hill staff on Estes Drive. This is when the Carrboro Post Office was on South Greensboro Street.

It’s easy to punch down on DMV or Postal or IRS employees.
OMG Gov workers can’t identify 5 Things they did in a WEEK they accomplished or even worked on? The horror. So mistreated. I can name 35 things I worked on today from 8:00am - 7:30pm - my workday. It’s on my billing records.

The crazy part of this is that you’re not dumb. You’re just completely baptized in the MAGA blood.

How would you feel if your office manager brought me in, someone who knew absolutely nothing about your job or your industry, to “downsize” your office and cut spending? And I started firing people and forcing you to drop clients who were a conflict of interest with myself and my business? And then I came to you and told you that I needed an account of your time and why you were important. Oh, and I just happened to have pending litigation against me by your firm, but you were forced to drop it.

That’s what’s going on with our federal government right now.
Agree - I work from home now and I am like a million times more efficient now than when I was in an office being interrupted constantly and having to stop my progress all the time to put out fires. I've gone from supporting one department at one university to a job where I support all 13 institutions in my state university system. And I still have more time than I ever did.
Who puts out those fires now?
I'm all for having Trumpers who support this being required to file similar emails every week justifying their jobs to people who aren't actually their boss or supervisor or employer. My guess is that would change their attitudes about this requirement pretty quick.
Somebody please tell me Ramrouser did not go to UNC Law, or even undergrad for that matter.

It was embarrassing enough when I learned that Sidney Powell is a UNC Law grad. I have known many UNC Law grads and they are all extremely intelligent. How did a few nutjobs get in? I'm not talking about Dem vs Pub, I am talking about people that can't muster the most basic forms of logic and reason.
so whats reasonable and logical about feeling smart on an internet message board? do you take great pride in the fact that you had absolutely no say so in the superior intellect that you were given? there's nothing smart about feeling superior to someone else when neither had any say so in it. no diff than a white person feeling superior to a black person., but hey here's a huge kudos for being so awesome and superior on an internet message board.
so whats reasonable and logical about feeling smart on an internet message board? do you take great pride in the fact that you had absolutely no say so in the superior intellect that you were given? there's nothing smart about feeling superior to someone else when neither had any say so in it. no diff than a white person feeling superior to a black person., but hey here's a huge kudos for being so awesome and superior on an internet message board.
There is a difference, in my opinion.

One with natural superior intellect can still be lazy and not develop to their potential, while one with less natural intellect can work hard and make the most of what they have.

I don’t see an equivalent in skin color.
so whats reasonable and logical about feeling smart on an internet message board? do you take great pride in the fact that you had absolutely no say so in the superior intellect that you were given? there's nothing smart about feeling superior to someone else when neither had any say so in it. no diff than a white person feeling superior to a black person., but hey here's a huge kudos for being so awesome and superior on an internet message board.
You sure have control on how you use it and cultivate it.
OMG Gov workers can’t identify 5 Things they did in a WEEK they accomplished or even worked on? The horror. So mistreated. I can name 35 things I worked on today from 8:00am - 7:30pm - my workday. It’s on my billing records.
Wow, 35 whole things?? That’s awesome man! You’re seriously awesome. We should all pitch in and get you a trophy for that.
Don’t overthink: A LOT of dead weight/fraud in government employees continuing to receive pay ESPECIALLY since COVID when 90% of workers have not returned for in person work. Advanced AI software Musk is employing helps with this task. Next month will be interesting
Lot to unpack here.

Yes, there is bloat in the federal government.

No, not everyone working from home is unproductive.

Yes, the US had a staggering deficit problem.

No, the work DOGE is doing so far is all about optics and ideology. Defense, Medicare, Medicaid, interest payments is where the real money is spent.

No, its lip service to the deficit when some other stated policies will most likely greatly increase the deficit.
Back to the OP, and trying to see things in a bit of a vacuum...the US presently has a staggering deficit, something created and exacerbated by both parties. Each party tend to ignore the problem when they're in power. That deficit will be reduced through one of two things (or a mix)...increased tax revenue and reduction of costs. Reducing the amount of federal workers is a way to make a reduction on the cost side. Doing that while unemployment is low is a better time to do it; it will have consequences on employment rate but in theory its a more acceptable solution than perpetuating the deficit.

This whole DOGE thing is supposed to be the cost reduction part. Except its a totally unserious way to go about it. No forensic accountants. No expert cost cutters. No real critical thinking in how to go about cost reduction. Heck, totally underqualified Hesgeth is going about cost cutting in the Pentagon in a much better way...but that only looks good in comparison to the DOGE way.