No. Ot could
No, it could actually be set up as a a larger version of handy tax tables that already exist. Completing your taxes would be as simple as finding your filing status and dependants, total income from ALL sources (which must be reported to the IRS), finding your spot on the grid and there is your effective tax rate.
It would require a lot of intelligent number crunching to set up and then adjust every few years. But basically, you would want it to come out to a married family of 5 with total income of 40K paying about 4% Fed tax. Married family of four making 100K paying 15 effective tax. Married childless couple making 500K paying 25%, Married couple making 750K paying 30%, Married couple earning over 1.3MM+ 40%.
Very, very rough estimates. But that is the idea. No exemptions. no writeoffs, different treatment by types of income. The only thing that would have to be excluded is personal capital gains income so as not to crush capital investments in our economy.
This addresses income taxation only. Not wealth taxation or wealth redistribution which is unamerican.