It's pretty easy to draw any conclusion if you're willing to throw away logic and reason.
There are literally thousands of sports leagues around the world in which players get paid. I'm not aware of a single one that allows players to switch teams after every year. That's what I object to. Paying players has nothing to do with it.
And it's a cumulative thing. Players not staying around to mature has been a thing for a while. Duke and Kentucky would turn over their rosters pretty much every year, and we've certainly lost players to the pros very early. I think that makes the game less fun to watch, but fine, nothing is perfect. But chip away at everything and there's nothing left. Conferences are bullshit. Rivalries don't matter. Players jump around. Like I said, there's literally nothing to root for but a jersey.
So yeah, it's not about players getting paid. Players could get paid and the mid 90s ACC would still be awesome. I don't understand why you pick fights with me about logic. What do you think is going to happen?