It’s Zen’s tried and true “all opinions are equal, and if you don’t respect my poorly supported position, you’re a ninny” bullshit. You support your positions with earnestness and when faced with staunch evidence to the contrary, your perspective shifts. You’re also a critical thinker, who integrates varying forms of knowledge and evolves your perspectives, despite your consistent “I’m just a humble carpenter who likes weed” thing.
Our resident bosiders have learned how to disproportionately influence every single political topic by recycling tired and debunked position, which they feel are entitled to similar levels of respect and discourse. They are not. They cry aggrievement and/or claim discourse superiority when folks ignore them, and/or refuse to debunk the 973rd variation of disingenuousness. Their main character syndrome lends them incapable of reflection on their obstinance in the face of overwhelming contradictory evidence and/or provides a dopamine hit, knowing they just “tRiggERed a LiB!!” I’d place a hefty wager they have laughed about trolling posters on this board, or ic zzlp, on con boards for years.
Zen, et al. want to claim a moral high ground because super, et al. claim they’ll stop engaging (ill believe that when I see it, respectfully), while completely missing the very blatant reason; or, maybe they see the blatant reason and scramble to keep the fish on the hook, because trolling for another one is time consuming and more effortful. Framing obstinance and/or disingenuous as “disagreement” is the most tired, yet most effective, of all the troll methods.
I mean, I’ve only been here 7 years, and not one thing has changed about these particular posters. I’m a relative “new” poster, so I can only imagine how long this merry band of fishermen have puttered their rusting hulls around “this” board.