The board is boring now

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  • Politics 
Disagreement - have or express a different opinion

Obstinance - the quality or state of being difficult to remedy

Disingenuous- not candid or sincere, typically by pretendingthat one knows less about something than one really does.
I have a little issue with the last one. How is that different from doing what I do a lot? I'm convinced that I know a lot more than I admit to but not for purposes of deceit. It's because I neither have the credentials or the educational background to support my opinions. It doesn't stop me from expressing those opinions and I try to support them but, bottom line, I'm an old man with a high school education. I can't claim to really know much for a fact outside of carpentry and bridge. I've had enough experience at those to justify my opinions.
Message boards are mostly boring and stupid but if you can find a few interesting threads, people, topics they can also be a way to share, learn, and at least see other perspectives.

The fact that there are no real consequences for being an asshole brings out the worst in a lot people.
Message boards are mostly boring and stupid but if you can find a few interesting threads, people, topics they can also be a way to share, learn, and at least see other perspectives.

The fact that there are no real consequences for being an asshole brings out the worst in a lot people.
This is true. It is also true that some folks are entertained by being annoying and irritating to others.
I have a little issue with the last one. How is that different from doing what I do a lot? I'm convinced that I know a lot more than I admit to but not for purposes of deceit. It's because I neither have the credentials or the educational background to support my opinions. It doesn't stop me from expressing those opinions and I try to support them but, bottom line, I'm an old man with a high school education. I can't claim to really know much for a fact outside of carpentry and bridge. I've had enough experience at those to justify my opinions.
It’s Zen’s tried and true “all opinions are equal, and if you don’t respect my poorly supported position, you’re a ninny” bullshit. You support your positions with earnestness and when faced with staunch evidence to the contrary, your perspective shifts. You’re also a critical thinker, who integrates varying forms of knowledge and evolves your perspectives, despite your consistent “I’m just a humble carpenter who likes weed” thing.

Our resident bosiders have learned how to disproportionately influence every single political topic by recycling tired and debunked position, which they feel are entitled to similar levels of respect and discourse. They are not. They cry aggrievement and/or claim discourse superiority when folks ignore them, and/or refuse to debunk the 973rd variation of disingenuousness. Their main character syndrome lends them incapable of reflection on their obstinance in the face of overwhelming contradictory evidence and/or provides a dopamine hit, knowing they just “tRiggERed a LiB!!” I’d place a hefty wager they have laughed about trolling posters on this board, or ic zzlp, on con boards for years.

Zen, et al. want to claim a moral high ground because super, et al. claim they’ll stop engaging (ill believe that when I see it, respectfully), while completely missing the very blatant reason; or, maybe they see the blatant reason and scramble to keep the fish on the hook, because trolling for another one is time consuming and more effortful. Framing obstinance and/or disingenuous as “disagreement” is the most tired, yet most effective, of all the troll methods.

I mean, I’ve only been here 7 years, and not one thing has changed about these particular posters. I’m a relative “new” poster, so I can only imagine how long this merry band of fishermen have puttered their rusting hulls around “this” board.
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Mass deportations of gang members. - yes
Depletion of labor force - exaggerated
Tariff price increases - negotiation tactics - Winning.
The tariff “negotiations” have been easily a net loser for the United States so far (especially if you consider the tariffs “negotiations” from his first terms).
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Being labeled a bosider is a badge of honor and I appreciate the compliment.

One thing is a certain....the self-righteous message board know it alls are the fastest to label with adolescent terms, bully and use the ignore feature. They are emotionally crippled and have zero respect for anyone who dont bow down to their way of thinking and posting. Its amusingly pathetic, but a certainty on these types of forums.

These are the words of the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the ruler of God’s creation. 15 I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! 16 So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth
It’s Zen’s tried and true “all opinions are equal, and if you don’t respect my poorly supported position, you’re a ninny” bullshit. You support your positions with earnestness and when faced with staunch evidence to the contrary, your perspective shifts. You’re also a critical thinker, who integrates varying forms of knowledge and evolves your perspectives, despite your consistent “I’m just a humble carpenter who likes weed” thing.

Our resident bosiders have learned how to disproportionately influence every single political topic by recycling tired and debunked position, which they feel are entitled to similar levels of respect and discourse. They are not. They cry aggrievement and/or claim discourse superiority when folks ignore them, and/or refuse to debunk the 973rd variation of disingenuousness. Their main character syndrome lends them incapable of reflection on their obstinance in the face of overwhelming contradictory evidence and/or provides a dopamine hit, knowing they just “tRiggERed a LiB!!” I’d place a hefty wager they have laughed about trolling posters on this board, or ic zzlp, on con boards for years.

Zen, et al. want to claim a moral high ground because super, et al. claim they’ll stop engaging (ill believe that when I see it, respectfully), while completely missing the very blatant reason; or, maybe they see the blatant reason and scramble to keep the fish on the hook, because trolling for another one is time consuming and more effortful. Framing obstinance and/or disingenuous as “disagreement” is the most tired, yet most effective, of all the troll methods.

I mean, I’ve only been here 7 years, and not one thing has changed about these particular posters. I’m a relative “new” poster, so I can only imagine how long this merry band of fishermen have puttered their rusting hulls around “this” board.
There are many reasons people post on these types of forums. There are many reasons people choose to stop engaging others on a forum. I don't believe there is anything moral or immoral related to those choices. It's just your personality that drives the decision.
I will also note that I am not bothered by people blocking me and I don't judge people for blocking me or anyone else. I have personally never blocked anyone on any internet forum, but that's just related to my personality which I ultimately have no control over.

I really just thought it was pretty humorous that the person who is a blocker was complaining about how boring the forum is. Interacting with people who have different opinions can make things more interesting, but he also just broke his hand because of the frustration caused by interacting with people who have a different opinion, so their may be a self-preservation aspect going on.
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I will also note that I am not bothered by people blocking me and I don't judge people for blocking me or anyone else. I have personally never blocked anyone on any internet forum, but that's just related to my personality which I ultimately have no control over.

I really just thought it was pretty humorous that the person who is a blocker was complaining about how boring the forum is. Interacting with people who have different opinions can make things more interesting, but hae also just broke his hand because of the frustration caused by interacting with people who have a different opinion, So their may be a self-preservation aspect going on.
Truth. I don't think anyone wants to see anyone hurt themselves because of this message board. If ignoring people you disagree with is going to make your life better, by all means do it.
Newsflash for you guys: It's not a badge of honor. It's a pejorative term to describe someone who thinks they're smarter than everyone else because they would rather sit in judgement of the system instead of acknowledging that that one side, while far from perfect, maybe cares more about our country than the other side.
It’s a profoundly unthinking position, apparently hidden from the bosider by their own arrogance.
[cue film projector, displaying grainy archival footage]

Billy [to himself]: It's so unfair. Girls won't even talk to me just because I'm wearing this MAGA hat.
Troy [entering]: That's because you're branding yourself wrong. Hi, I'm Troy McClure. You might remember me --
Billy: I know who you are. What do you mean branding, Mr. McClure?
Troy: That hat you're wearing. You're showing everyone that you support a movement filled with rapists and sex criminals from the very top all the way down.
Billy: But I like Trump. I like punching down. I hate liberals. I don't want to change
Troy: That's the whole point! You don't have to if you're a both-sider!
Billy: How does that work?
Troy: When others point out that your political party and your political heroes are corrupt, evil criminals who have an allergy to truth and contempt for the country and its people, don't deny it.
Billy: Why not?
Troy: Because it's obviously true. Instead, you should say that Dems do it too!
Billy: Isn't that disingenuous?
Troy: Feature, not bug
Billy: So how do I be a both-sider
Troy: It's easy. Find a message board. Try to introduce something bad about Joe Biden into every discussion, whether or not it is even relevant.
Billy: That will attract girls?
Troy: How could you go wrong emulating such Casanovas as OGTruthHurts and ItsBoTime?
Billy: They became babe magnets by both-siding instead of MAGAing?
Troy: I don't know about that, but it didn't hurt.
Billy: So what do I do?
Troy: Change nothing about yourself. Just remove the hat, and the good times will be rolling in
Billy: It's surgically attached to my head
Newsflash for you guys: It's not a badge of honor. It's a pejorative term to describe someone who thinks they're smarter than everyone else because they would rather sit in judgement of the system instead of acknowledging that that one side, while far from perfect, maybe cares more about our country than the other side.
The irony is that Republicans, at least some that are most entrenched in politics, are just as annoyed by bosiders because those Republicans are convinced that Democrats are trying to ruin the country, and any commentary that reflects badly on Republicans is only expediting that ruination.
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This is true. It is also true that some folks are entertained by being annoying and irritating to others.
And most of them are right-wing trolls, at least in my 25 years of experience reading message boards. Some are liberals, but the great majority of trolls are right-wingers. Many of them seem to live for it. And they always seem to justify their trolling with the excuse of "it's just politics, people shouldn't take it so seriously, as long as my family and friends are doing well and safe then it's all just fun and games for me."