THE Drinking Thread

Since fall is coming, I gotta ask - who likes pumpkin beers? I don't. I like marzens this time of yr though.
I like Old Speckled Hen watching soccer, otherwise my beer is limited to domestic light beers, usually Mich Ultra and Miller Light. I might have 20 of each a year, maybe.

Otherwise I’m drinking liquor.

I’m on the wagon for a while now sadly.
Since fall is coming, I gotta ask - who likes pumpkin beers? I don't. I like marzens this time of yr though.
I usually buy a couple of six packs of Atomic Pumpkin in the fall. Can't drink more than a couple at a time, but I enjoy them...
I like the pumpkin beers, I like those fall spices. I bought my first of the season today, a six pack of NoDa Gordgeous
It's been a while since I've had a good pumpkin beer. Seems like a lot of places stopped trying to make them

Happy it's festbier season though. Sierra Nevada's is a staple
My mojito recipe is fresh lime juice, a small can of frozen Limeade (mostly for the sugar and ice), a 50/50 mix of rum and vodka (you can adjust the ratio to taste, all the way to 100% of either although I'm not sure you can really call it a mojito if you don't have at least some rum in it), agave simple syrup and mint leaves.

Put it all in a blender (yes, the mint leaves too, that's the key to the whole thing) and blend the hell out of it. You'll never see a prettier shade of green. At this point, the remnants of the mint leaves will float to the top, I usually skim off most of that but it's not going to kill you if you if you drink some (I've left it all in before and it was fine). Then I add ice and blend it up again, not enough to make a slushy drink, but for water and to chill it. Pour it into a clear pitcher so everyone can enjoy the color and pour over ice to serve.

You can play with the ratios of all the ingredients (some like it sweeter, some more sour, some with more more alcohol, etc), that's half the fun, but I promise you that blending the mint leaves gets every molecule of mint flavor (and color) out of them, way more than muddling (and way easier). It's a crowd pleaser...
Frozen limeade is also the key to a great frozen margarita. Take your recipe, use tequila instead, take out the mint and you're good to go.
Tiny Ass Umbrella beer and a pour of this last night. Amazing. If you ever get a chance to tour Garrison Brothers in Texas, it’s a very cool place. Volunteers label and mark all of the bottles.
Ok, so I barely post and have never started a thread before, so be gentle with me. The "Border Wall is no longer Racist" thread got me to thinkin' that I'm going to take it as a personal challenge to lose more brain cells this weekend drinking than I did reading that thread. Don't think it's possible but I'm going to try.

I was a long-time bourbon drinker before it became trendy. Mostly a decent bourbon with ginger ale because I like the sting of the bourbon and the light sweetness of the ginger ale.

This weekend at my sister's lake house in the Georgia heat, I plan on drinking ice-cold beer (probably an I.P.A. and then something simple like a Yuengling) and then switch to a smokey Old-Fashioned in the evening. I make mine with Wild Turkey Rare Breed Rye, smoked, with muddled Luxardo cherries.

The possibility that I'm going to run into more ridiculously stupid, political rhetoric this weekend is high, so either I'll bite my tongue (which I usually do) or I'll go off on a rant. I don't seem to have a middle ground which is part of the reason I don't post much.

Anyway, Happy Labor Day weekend and please share any drinks that you think others may like. Oh, and Go Heels!
Excellent first poast. I like:
Jameson on the rocks
French Brandy (doesn’t have to be Cognac)
Bombay or Beefeater’s Gin with only a splash of tonic and lime
Absolut Vodka (no Russian anything for me)
Bourbon (not picky)
Tequila shots (not picky, whatever is in the speed rack)
Pilsners, lagers and English malty-type beers (not a fan of the overly-hopped IPA’s. Give me malt over hops any day)
3 pages in and I'm basically the only one whose beverage of choice is wine. A little surprising to me.
3 pages in and I'm basically the only one whose beverage of choice is wine. A little surprising to me.
I like it, it’s just not my go to.

We moved back to central VA about 2 years ago, and my wife & I try to do at least one fairly-local vineyard a month. Will usually do a flight of reds…don’t care for anything too sweet.
3 pages in and I'm basically the only one whose beverage of choice is wine. A little surprising to me.
I'm with you, sig. I'd say a solid 75% of my alcohol consumption is wine (and at least 80% of that is red wine), but it could be closer to 80%. Beer is probably 15% and liquor <10%. The good thing about that last part is that I don't mind spending money of the good stuff b/c it'll last me for years, so I can justify the expense (in my mind, anyway)..
Anybody who likes mimosas should try fresh squeezed lemon juice instead of orange juice. It's mighty good, esp. if your sparkling wine is on the sweeter side. Crisp and zesty...
I'm sipping on a nice cabernet this afternoon while watching some CFB.
Who do you folks have winning the ND- TAM game . . ?
Highland Park is pretty good introduction to single malt scotch. My preference when I still drank was the Islay malts with Lagavulin and Laphroaig particular favorites. Famous Grouse is a good middle of the road blended scoth,fwiw.
I didn't drink for 10 years once. Now I drink occasionally, but I've not been drunk in decades.
Margarita with fresh squeezed lime juice, a good silver tequila (1800 or Patron for me) and Grand Marnier for the orange liqueur. I have a salt rimmed glass in front of me right now watching T A&M and Notre Dame and it is definite tasty.