THE Drinking Thread

Primarily just a beer drinker. Like a Gin and Tonic on occassion, a white russian in the winter, rum punch in the summer, but mostly stick with beer.

Love IPA's. However, over the last few years I seem to have developed some type of sensitivity or allergy to some IPA's. I'll get a headache and congested before finishing the first one. Anybody else dealt with similar issues?

I've switched to mostly lagers and pilsners recently as a result. Luckily, more and more breweries are putting out good lagers and pislners as the IPA craze starts to run its course.
The headaches and congestion are your body telling you to stop putting s****y beers in it. IPA's suck.
Love IPA's. However, over the last few years I seem to have developed some type of sensitivity or allergy to some IPA's. I'll get a headache and congested before finishing the first one. Anybody else dealt with similar issues?
Have you noticed the congestion with drafts only, or does it happen with bottles/cans too?

I witnessed a mid-life thing, 10 or 15 yrs ago where 3 draft pints will result in congestion in the AM, what feels like a mild cold or allergies. But I can have several liquor drinks or combos of beer/wine/liquor and the symptoms won't occur...
I drink hefeweisens, ipa, stouts, porters, gose, sours, saisons, kolsh, bocks, ambers, but rarely pilsners, so it has been really hard to pin down or isolate. I just limit myself to 3 beers at a time.