The Singles Thread

indeed! The only caveat is don't be so rigid as to not compromise entirely or be so narrow focused that makes matches run from you. The other side of that

A friend of mine (who graduated HS with my GF and introduced us) is trying too damn hard to have their person fit to what he wants and he never does anything they want but he's now gone through everyone who would even be close to someone good for him and is now going into the territory of being with people he has zero business being and it's difficult to watch.
Hopefully he'll figure it out.
Thank you, Krafty! This is great advice, and I'll certainly follow most of your recommendations, especially regarding safety.

No, I've never been and am going alone. Mi espanol no bueno but I'm learning some. Got Duolingo Max so I can converse with the AI characters.

I would love to go to Medellin but will spend all my time in Cartagena. Regarding my AirBnB, it is apparently an apartment in a gated complex that requires a code. It is in the Old City (which is apparently considered safe), right next to the University of Cartagena. I think it should be fine.

Cartagena has a strong tourist presence, so despite my deficiencies in Spanish, I imagine I should be able to locate English speakers if in dire need.

Regarding the women, I totally get you. I am certainly not going to be looking for prostitutes, but I realize that many of these women will have certain expectations of a gringo who obviously has a decent amount of money, at least relative to them. While I am a complete sucker for tanned, curvy women with the hair of midnight, I will try my best to avoid situations that may put me in a predicament.

One thing I'd like to know from you is how do you typically pack? A friend of mine, who is much more travelled, just brought it to my attention this past week that my bags will need to be re-checked since I'm using United for the main flights but Copa for the Latin American connections. I did not realize this. Going is a relatively short layover in Panama City, and I do not think I'll have time to re-check. So I'm going to just do carry on. What would you say are the essentials I should take (and can get through TSA), and is it easy to get things like toothpaste, saline solution (contacts), deodorant, etc. down there?

Would love your thoughts, man!
Whenever I travel out of the country I always go for a full week and have always checked a bag. Whenever I've gone to Colombia (Medellin) I connect through Miami, so never had an issue with re-checking bags.

Medellin has the best climate year round like Spring (known as the city of eternal spring.) So shorts and tees fine during day, but long sleeves better at night. Cartagena warmer on coast so easier to pack.

As for meeting "regular" women, your best bets are the malls and language exchanges. Language exchanges are great as there will be English speaking foreigners and locals.

There will be those dark haired curvy beauties all over the beach, and they will be as "friendly" as all the other hustlers and peddlers towards gringos.

I've never been there, but you have to take a stroll down the party street from beach area down to the brick arch/gate that leads into the main tourist beach area. It will be crawling with scantily clad very "friendly" chicas and clubs. Just don't go too late.

My wife left me when I was 30. After I got over the initial grief and heartache, I thought, "Well, okay, I'll just go meet someone else...this could be exciting."

The overall lesson I learned through that experience is that people who are single in their 30's are single for a reason.

Dating in your 30s is like shopping at TJ Maxx. The merchandise looks okay but ultimately you know there is something wrong somewhere.
Whenever I travel out of the country I always go for a full week and have always checked a bag. Whenever I've gone to Colombia (Medellin) I connect through Miami, so never had an issue with re-checking bags.

Medellin has the best climate year round like Spring (known as the city of eternal spring.) So shorts and tees fine during day, but long sleeves better at night. Cartagena warmer on coast so easier to pack.

As for meeting "regular" women, your best bets are the malls and language exchanges. Language exchanges are great as there will be English speaking foreigners and locals.

There will be those dark haired curvy beauties all over the beach, and they will be as "friendly" as all the other hustlers and peddlers towards gringos.

I've never been there, but you have to take a stroll down the party street from beach area down to the brick arch/gate that leads into the main tourist beach area. It will be crawling with scantily clad very "friendly" chicas and clubs. Just don't go too late.

Thanks again! Sounds like you get a direct out of Miami. I won't have that luxury, as I'll have a connection with Copa from Panama to Cartagena. The layover going in is likely too short, so I'm obviously going to have to do just carry-on. Will limit my "dress" game, but as you stated previously, probably best not to have my finest clothes. And it will be the Caribbean in summer, so no need for jackets or multiple shirts, unlike what you stated with Medellin. I always have this tendency to overpack. I'll have to learn efficiency.

Regarding "language exchanges," what exactly do you mean by that term? Just places where tourists and locals will be apt to frequent?

Despite the mildly creepy nature of the nearly 30 minute long video you linked, showing nothing but girls walking around Cartagena, I liked it. Thank you! Lol.
I've not traveled much but I've found that there's always people just waiting to help. Makes them feel good, and rightfully so.

Yes, many will be there to take advantage but many will not.

Despite my deficiencies in Espanol, I'm not particularly worried. Between the fact there will surely be a number of English speakers there along with locals of good will in Cartagena, I'll get along.

With my mind of caution and knowledge from Mr. Rogers about "the Helpers," I will sally forth into the brave, new world.
