This thread is totally random

A couple years ago I was driving my three boys around. They were probably 3, 4, and 4 at the time. We were playing “I Spy” and my youngest said, “I spy with my little eye… something white!”

We took a bunch of guesses, but after a bit I said, “I don’t know, buddy, what is it?”

“Your hair!”

At the time, and still now, I had some white at the temples and a few more around the head, but man, he really got me on that one.
You don't see toilet seat covers anymore.
Yeah, back when I was a teenager you had to hold the lid up with one hand and use the other hand to direct your aim. When girls would ask why we couldn't manage with just one hand, the response was always, "It takes two hands to handle a whopper."
Yeah, back when I was a teenager you had to hold the lid up with one hand and use the other hand to direct your aim. When girls would ask why we couldn't manage with just one hand, the response was always, "It takes two hands to handle a whopper."
Austin Powers Doctor Evil GIF
In high school a couple of cousins -- same last name -- were quite publicly made to break up their relationship as they entered their junior year. They had been a couple since 8th grade.
I enjoy genealogy and when I shared my findings with a previously unknown distant cousin, a third and fourth cousin on the paternal side, his comment was one that I have used repeatedly over the years, "You know, some of them old boys should have walked a little further down the road when they went courting."
I ‘discovered,’ much to my mother’s chagrin, that she and my father were related — if I went back to 1824~.
The royals lead the way.

A royal with the fewest great-grandparents would likely be someone whose parents were double first cousins, meaning their two grandfathers were brothers and their two grandmothers were sisters, effectively resulting in only four unique great-grandparents instead of the usual eight; a prominent historical example of this is Alfonso XII of Spain from the House of Bourbon.
I now know a lot of folks from Wva. When you grow up in Stagnanat County (growth wise etc) you have a hard time not marrying a cousin of some sort
I now know a lot of folks from Wva. When you grow up in Stagnanat County (growth wise etc) you have a hard time not marrying a cousin of some sort
A poster on another board was posting about communities he had family in. Said he had an uncle in Beautancus. I told him that meant we had to be related. We ended up talking and turns out we are like second cousins and used to give his uncle's three sons rides to church.
I met a distant cousin - great, great, grandparents - at UNC. He had relatives on his other side of the famiiy in NC. We knew his uncle in Raleigh. My mother had told me he was at UNC. His cousin in Raleigh was a bit of a nerd so I wasn't eager to meet him. Always told her if I met him at a party or bar I'd introduce myself.

So in a small world I met a guy from Raleigh through friends. Hung out with him a bunch. He had a close dorm friend come over a few times who drove a VW bus with a bunch of deadhead stickers. Dave. My cousin was David. Never put two and two together as I never imagined the cousin being cool, let alone a deadhead and let's just say we were um, mind altered most of the time. He went home for the summer and one day sitting on my friends porch I figured out that he was my cousin.

We lived in a house together in Carrboro for 2 years when he was in Med school; me in Grad. Great guy. Still keep up with him even as he settled on the left coast.
A poster on another board was posting about communities he had family in. Said he had an uncle in Beautancus. I told him that meant we had to be related. We ended up talking and turns out we are like second cousins and used to give his uncle's three sons rides to church.
WOW! A Beautancus shout-out. I always love hearing people not from the area trying to pronounce it. The way I pronounce it is "Bow - tank - us". The first time my wife, a Yankee, tried to say it, she pronouncet it "Beaut - ta - nay - us" and no one knew what she was talking about.