This thread is totally random

At first I thought this was Mike Johnson, but it’s a man who’s trying to live forever

I watched the Netflix documentary about this guy a couple weeks ago. His story and health/wellness regimen are interesting but dude is, unsurprisingly, also a bit of a nutjob.
My big TV in the living room went out during the Washington and Philly game. It's a Samsung 46 inch and 15 years old. It has sound but no picture. Guess I will be getting a new TV for the Super Bowl.
It’s the best time to buy a new TV….they are all on sale over the next few weeks.
My big TV in the living room went out during the Washington and Philly game. It's a Samsung 46 inch and 15 years old. It has sound but no picture. Guess I will be getting a new TV for the Super Bowl.
I was in Target yesterday and amazed by how inexpensive TVs were.
My big TV in the living room went out during the Washington and Philly game. It's a Samsung 46 inch and 15 years old. It has sound but no picture. Guess I will be getting a new TV for the Super Bowl.
You didn't miss anything.
My big TV in the living room went out during the Washington and Philly game. It's a Samsung 46 inch and 15 years old. It has sound but no picture. Guess I will be getting a new TV for the Super Bowl.
You’ll be so effing happy with the new TV……and how cheap it will be.
I was in Target yesterday and amazed by how inexpensive TVs were.
TV’s are almost cheap enough that we’re at the point it’s worth throwing a brick thru the TV when Ted “TV” Valentine does his thing and gives us the business (I know the guy known for “giving us the business” was a football ref).

But, $300-400 to be the guy known by one’s buddies as “the dude to throw a brick/rock/table/that douche no one likes” through the TV???


And to get a better TV for little money? EFFING PRICELESS!!!
Work is just sad. I wish I had a more meaningful job.

Oh and my manager's manager is a dick.
I quit smoking cigarettes in 1991. I smoked menthol (Kool Longs) for years and gradually made my way to various "light" menthol cigarettes before I quit. At the end I was smoking Benson & Hedges Ultra light menthols.

I would go in the 7/11 and ask for "a pack of Benson & Hedges Ultra Light 100's Menthol, and if you have anything with a longer name, I'll smoke that."
I quit smoking cigarettes in 1991. I smoked menthol (Kool Longs) for years and gradually made my way to various "light" menthol cigarettes before I quit. At the end I was smoking Benson & Hedges Ultra light menthols.

I would go in the 7/11 and ask for "a pack of Benson & Hedges Ultra Light 100's Menthol, and if you have anything with a longer name, I'll smoke that."
That's about the time I quit. I smoked mostly Salems for close on to 30 years. Averaged about 2-2 1/2 packs a day. Think it was by far the hardest thing I ever quit. Even though I drank longer it was the easiest. Speed was a lot harder but not nearly as hard a cigarettes. After the first month or so, I was mostly done with that. It took a couple of years before I quit wanting a cigarette occasionally. The worst time was when drinking my morning coffee.