This thread is totally random

Just had four hummingbirds on our front feeders. Three were actually landed on one feeder. I got up and looked out the window of the door so I could see both at once. One of the ones had left and flown to land on the other side where another was already sitting. I've seen more at one time but I've never seen that many perched.
Oh man, I forgot why I posted it! And then I remembered, it’s because this is the random page! And fractals are random! Not enough people in the world appreciate chaos theory. And it saddens me.
I think the hummingbirds are either getting ready to migrate or ones from further north passing through. They were up and on the feeders early. I'm only seeing females so I think the males may have already left. They leave earlier.
There's 6-8 hummingbirds buzzing my front porch. I'm sure of six ,think I counted eight but counting that many flitting hummingbirds is a tad unreliable.
Just had four hummingbirds on our front feeders. Three were actually landed on one feeder. I got up and looked out the window of the door so I could see both at once. One of the ones had left and flown to land on the other side where another was already sitting. I've seen more at one time but I've never seen that many perched.
They usually don’t share feeders or plants well; but, in the last week or so, they’re sharing a bit - so, they must be fattening up to head south.

The females are worse about sharing than the males.

I have a lot of red salvia planted - hummingbirds feed heavily on those plants. Ditto for Pentas.

They were feeding on the Joe Pye Weed; but, that went by the wayside 2-3 weeks ago.
I have about 15-20 yellow crown beards starting to bloom. Was finally able to ID them when they did.

They are either fattening up to migrate or ones from farther north migrating through. I'm thinking maybe the latter which might account for them being less combative and territorial.
I have about 15-20 yellow crown beards starting to bloom. Was finally able to ID them when they did.

They are either fattening up to migrate or ones from farther north migrating through. I'm thinking maybe the latter which might account for them being less combative and territorial.
I have 5 bird feeders in my yard. They normally empty very quickly in spring and summer. They have really slowed lately, so few birds to eat from them.
I found a hair in my beard that is gray for the last quarter inch but black for the three quarters closer to the skin. Is possible that my beard can ungray without dye? I thought a gray hair was a gray hair from here on out.
I found a hair in my beard that is gray for the last quarter inch but black for the three quarters closer to the skin. Is possible that my beard can ungray without dye? I thought a gray hair was a gray hair from here on out.

This is important! 1. Did it look anything like this? 2. Do you feel a sudden urge to do whatever Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. says, redardless of how stupid.or ridiculous? If yes to both, seek immediate medical attention.
Screenshot_20240914_094228_Samsung Internet.jpg
I found a hair in my beard that is gray for the last quarter inch but black for the three quarters closer to the skin. Is possible that my beard can ungray without dye? I thought a gray hair was a gray hair from here on out.
When I had chemo and radiation, instead of falling out, my hair darkened. All the gray didn't go away but that was 5 years ago and my hair and beard are still darker than they were 12 years ago.

It's not that uncommon for hair to come back with a different texture or something after losing it in those circumstances but...
So I was behind a work van on 400 today.
On the left rear door they had a big sticker reading "God Bless America". On the right they had a bumper sticker that read "Joe and the Ho, must go".

I wonder if the God from the left door agreed with the right door.
I just ordered 40 bareroot Virginia bluebells and 15 Jack in the Pulpit bulbs. Now I need to figure out a way to protect the bluebell bulbs from squirrels. I have a concept of a plan.