This thread is totally random

It’s definitely The Exorcist and Singin’ in the Rain. In the film poster for The Exorcist, light is billowing out at a left-to-right angle from the 2nd story window. A man wearing a hat and carrying a briefcase in his left hand as he’s standing in the driveway which has an open gate.
Actually the guy with the umbrella kinda reminds me of Jim Carey in The Mask, but I know that's not it. I don't think the light vomiting thru the window is from The Exorcist, but its reminiscent of it...
On the Roku channel or online you can watch the pilot Beverly Hillbillies show and ensuing episodes. Still funny today. But not without some controversy with the oriiginal theme song and well, you can see for yourself.

This is good.

Time to start thinking about playing in the dirt. Some of the bare root Virginia bluebells are starting to sprout and about a quarter of the seeds I planted over the winter are showing some signs of life.

I just ordered three bee balms, three American beauty berry, five Giant Solomon's Seal plants and two woodland stone crop. It's about time for all of them to go in the ground.
Time to start thinking about playing in the dirt. Some of the bare root Virginia bluebells are starting to sprout and about a quarter of the seeds I planted over the winter are showing some signs of life.

I just ordered three bee balms, three American beauty berry, five Giant Solomon's Seal plants and two woodland stone crop. It's about time for all of them to go in the ground.
I need to put in a couple of Rhododendrams I was alway told to do that in the Fall. The Nursery I go to only has them in the spring..I need to get going
Time to start thinking about playing in the dirt. Some of the bare root Virginia bluebells are starting to sprout and about a quarter of the seeds I planted over the winter are showing some signs of life.

I just ordered three bee balms, three American beauty berry, five Giant Solomon's Seal plants and two woodland stone crop. It's about time for all of them to go in the ground.
We pruned dead stems and leaves on bushes in our yard today.
On the Roku channel or online you can watch the pilot Beverly Hillbillies show and ensuing episodes. Still funny today. But not without some controversy with the oriiginal theme song and well, you can see for yourself.

This is good.

I'll never buy another Samsung tv.

It comes with samsung tv plus. A bunch of crappy free 490i channels that I do not watch to watch.

So, I keep removing the app and I've set the settings to return to the last viewed at startup. But the stupid samsung tv keeps being added back to the apps and becomes the default.

I'm about to throw the TV out of the window and buy a different brand.

I own 4 different brands of tv and this is the only one I have this issue with.
Just put out my hummingbird feeders. Probably a little early but I think we're kinda on their way back and forth. We saw a lot of increased activity at the very end of their stay last fall. We had 5-6 at a time on the two front feeders.
What's in a Name?

The world is a very large place, with an unimaginable number of cities, towns, villages, and other locales places that have been named in whatever local language is most popular. So we could do “strange name theater” literally all day. We won’t subject you to that! But there are a few very strange city names that deserve special focus.

Take the city of Batman in Turkey, for example. It’s no small town, either, with about half a million people living there. And it matches up so perfectly with the city of Gotham, Wisconsin. While the census-designated place of Gotham is much smaller than Batman’s by population, we do wonder if there’s a Bruce Wayne in town. Moving on…

The beautiful nation of Norway has a village in it named Hell. It sits on the water a few hundred miles north of Oslo, and knowing how wonderful Norway is, we’re pretty sure it’s not actually anything like Hell might be. Just very cold in the winter; in fact, hell freezes over! The state of Michigan also has a village named Hell, too. As of the last population count, 72 brave souls live in that tiny Livingston County hamlet. No word on whether one of them has reddish skin, fiery eyes, horns, and a tail.

But the all-time best combo in the strange geography name game has to go to “Boring,” “Dull,” and “Bland.” In the U.S. state of Oregon, there is a tiny town named Boring. It is home to about seven thousand people and sits in the far northwestern corner of the state. It was named after a former Civil War soldier who moved west and settled there with his family in the 19th century.

Well, somebody in Boring has a great sense of humor because, in recent years, it has been named a sister city to the village of Dull, Scotland, as well as the tiny town of Bland, Australia. The world loves that uninspiring combination so much that observers have taken to calling the Boring-Dull-Bland sister cities.