"Yet, I haven't been brainwashed by a media going hysterical for 10 years. You guys over sensationalize everything about trump. There is zero independent thought on the left when it comes to trump. "
it is impossible to be brainwashed when you read the primary source material, as I always try to do. the idea that we are brainwashed because we remember things that happened -- i mean, it's so sad. do you think i'm brainwashed when i comment on supreme court opinions? or do you think i read the opinions and form my own judgments? do you think i'm brainwashed when i comment on public finance? or do you think that maybe i have some expertise?
stop projecting. and stop assuming that the things you don't remember didn't happen. until j6, the worst betrayal of the american people in our modern history was trump's demand that ukraine dig up dirt on biden. it is not acceptable for the president to leverage american foreign policy, especially foreign policy as directed by congress, for his own personal benefit. that should have been instantly disqualifying for everyone. of course, then he held his own beer on jan 6.
family separation happened. reversal of climate control regulations happened. reversing regulations to prevent employers from stealing tips happened. repealing Obamacare very nearly happened. his tax cuts for the wealthy happened -- tax cuts that incentivized offshoring of operations (america first, hah!), and prioritizing passive investment (which adds very little to gdp). the judicial appointments happened and the fucking morons he appointed are destroying the judiciary.
he pardoned arpaio, which was a direct affront on the rule of law given that the underlying offense was contempt of court. he pardoned blagojevich, who was convicted of the sort of corruption offense that trump was committing himself. he pardoned his peeps manafort and bannon in a naked display of patronage.
he started a trade war that did nothing for the us except raise prices and wipe out the export business of farmers, so he had to then reach into the public coffers to bail them out. and he looks back at that and thinks, wow we need more!
against that, his good policies included what? well, there was the one law kanye conned him into signing. he had a pretty good policy on balance billing, though it didn't go far enough (biden finished the job for him).