Trump Criminal & Civil Cases | Smith Report on J6 Case Released

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"The real Jury, the American people, have spoken, by reelecting me with an overwhelming mandate"

Inapt metaphor there, if the election had been a jury trial, this one was deadlocked at 6-6...
Yep just more stupid partisan bullshit that both parties allow while this country goes deeper and deeper in the shitter. Biden is a lifelong political crook and Trump is a lifelong business crook turned political crook now. I'll let yall in on a little secret.....neither biden nor trump gives one fuck about you and your family.

But hey, commence to the same ole back and forth of how morally superior your party and elected officials really are really making one heck of a difference changing anyones mind.

Signed, a very proud bosider, but sad American
Instead of bitching all the time - which you absolutely do on political threads - why don't you offer up some of your own thoughts or suggestions on how you think things could be better for the country in which you live?

Else, just change your handle to OGbutthurts. It's far more emblematic of your "contributions" here.
Instead of bitching all the time - which you absolutely do on political threads - why don't you offer up some of your own thoughts or suggestions on how you think things could be better for the country in which you live?

Else, just change your handle to OGbutthurts. It's far more emblematic of your "contributions" here.
My guess is politics does not meet OG’s elevated expectations of discourse. The tired and tropey characteristic of nearly every bosider is a firm belief in their ability to see through matrix, whereas the plebs all around them are stuck in it, unawares. It’s a pitiful level of cynicism, self deluded as prescience, which in reality is merely a defense mechanism.
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Do you ever question why Trump's support actually went up when the Democrats started their lawfare? I'll fill you's because people with an operating brain and able to detect bs when they see it recognized what was happening and it pissed them off.

They watched the worst administration I have ever seen inflict massive damage on this county, lie to the American people over and over again, the border is secure, Biden is a gymnast behind the scenes, and when they realized the gig was up, tried to eliminate the Republican frontrunner through bs lawfare.

It didn't work, thank God, and 1.5 billion dollars plus another 20 million in the hole wasn't enough to pull the most unqualified nominee ever, Kamala Harris, across the finish line. And if you casted a vote for her after having watched her performance and considering what she was a part of the previous 4 years, then I don't know what to tell you. Maybe realign your thinking to where loyalty to a party doesn't outweigh your loyalty to the prosperity and safety of this country.

So I have a suggestion for the Democrats if and when they get another chance, how bout running the country like you have some actual common sense and you might not have to resort to such extremes in order to try and win the next election.
Do you ever speak in anything other than ridiculous hyperbole?
Thank you. I should offer you congrats as well. Being an officer of the court and supporting political lawfare. Way to stand up for blind justice. You did your profession proud.
You are either blind, and idiot, or just don’t give a damn if you don't think Trump is a crook. I guess trying to have that fascist country for straight white Christian nationalists is more important to you.
What part of "the appeals court retains jurisdiction" does she not understand? Until such time as the appeals court rules on the dismissal of Nauta's case, Cannon has no authority whatsoever to do anything in this case.

Come on, Merrick. You've got about one week left in your career. Do the right thing and publicly tell Cannon to her face to fuck off.
I wish

As a non-litigator, I am mildly surprised that DOJ even responded to Cannon at this point, but can also see that the policy is always respond and then object or appeal.

As a non-litigator, I am mildly surprised that DOJ even responded to Cannon at this point, but can also see that the policy is always respond and then object or appeal.

Especially when the answer is that her paranoid conspiracy thinking has no basis in fact.