I will preface this to say that I, and nearly all the pro-Palestine people that I know, ended up voting for Harris. We all knew that Trump would be worse (even though the Dems were not great either).
However, blaming other pro-Palestinian voters for Trump winning is just a way to find someone to blame other than the dems themselves. Even if they all voted Harris, it might have won Michigan for her, but it would not have been enough to flip the election. There were much bigger issues that caused that.
1. You are correct in that the ballot totals were unlikely to be sufficiently affected to deny Trump the victory.
2. But there's more to it than ballots. There's a parallel between 2016 and 2024. In both cases, early primary activity focused not on policy but essentially on the integrity of the Dem candidate. That sets a narrative and a mood for the campaign that is tough to shake. Why did people in 2016 decide they trusted TRUMP more than HRC (if you believe the polling)? Wasn't that in part because Bernie campaigned in large measure -- especially nearer the end -- on the idea that Hillary was corrupt?
3. There were also the pro-Hamas vandals that turn people off. If those were really one-offs, then they wouldn't have made much difference. But they were just the ones who took the idea a little further.
4. Quite apart from the election outcome, the uncommitted movement was frustrating in many other ways. First, it's sad to watch that community torch itself. Politically speaking, they are now in a wilderness. They actively worked to defeat -- literally saying that!! -- the party that might like them, in favor of a party that loathes them. They will never have a real voice in the GOP; and they just demonstrated their unreliability to the Dems.
Second, there's a level of political unrealism on display. The Arab population has to understand that they are in a special position in the US. Not by choice, not fairly necessarily, but Arabs are seen as inherently pro-terrorist. Al-Q and Hamas probably have a great deal to do with that. And yes, Americans have skewed definitions of terrorism, typically viewing the Israeli terrorism as something other than it is. But the reality is that Biden and Harris could never have embraced that group. It would have cost them more votes elsewhere. Michigan was not enough to win, and if embracing Dearborn cost them WI or PA, then how is that supposed to work.
So in the end, what happened was that one group refused to recognize its place. It started a fight it couldn't possibly win, and split the Dems' coalition, and soured young people on the Dems . . . and for what? What they did helped Trump and Bibi, full stop. I get it -- there was a lot of emotion about what was happening. I don't pretend to know what it's like to lose family members to military bombs. But I do know that uncommitted did not help their cause in the slightest; it set them back quite a ways; and they helped fuck the country over.
Why shouldn't we be angry about that? Uncommitted was one of many reasons Trump won. Not necessarily the most important, and certainly not the only. But who on this site has been doing that? I think the general consensus here is that there will be a lot of leopards eating a lot of faces, across the board. Farmers are going to get fucked; they had already been fucked by Trump once; and yet they support him wildly. Leopards. Anyone in rural America on Medicaid is about to get fucked royally. Leopards. Uncommitted voters are seeing their homeland destroyed. Leopards. John Roberts? Leopards. There's more than enough to go around.