While there is some value in comparing with the current degenerative governmental situation with 1933 Germany, a far more accurate analog could be the early days of Darth Putin's rule.
Vladimir Putin consolidated his roles and power as he moved from PM to President in 2012. He had been chipping away for years at the power of the Kremlin, Russia's sort of Congress.
Trump and our illegal South African alien are axing away at Article 1 of the US Constitution. Each branch, department, cabinet area has an oversight committee in Congress: defense, HUD, intelligence, etc. Not only are real people being indiscriminately fired (just like Israel's bombs - because Hamas is still around killing babies, but many of the Gazans are not) and thus gutting essential services (USAid, FBI, FAA, US Park Service, health care)...but are neutering Congress and gutting their role as well.
The answer to where this leads in time is obvious - de facto elimination of the need for Congress, where they become elected puppets as in Putin's world and subservient to the President and the American Oligarchy. So, there is a small deviation. The Russian Oligarchy functions somewhat independently of Putin - like mob rulers coordinating but allowing each autonomy. Here, the arrangement will be somewhere between modern Japan and 1930s Germany where oligarchs/business and the unitarian executive state are tied together.
Remember when Trump said there would be no need for elections after 2024? He meant it. When, oh when, will we begin to believe Trump's confessions and projections (both definitions: projection on enemies and into the future)?!
Congress is next on the chopping block. I mean, they are already low in popularity. SCOTUS is already in Darth Orange's pocket. This level of unitarian executive power and control of the military should NEVER exist in the United States. We do not want a King, whether Republican or Democrat! So sayeth the People!