LOL... again with wanting a "safe space" where the only opinions welcome are the ones that are "left-leaning."
What have I posted or said that has triggered you? Seriously... that is a legit question.
Is this board only for "left-leaning" ideas, thoughts and opinions?
Here is a summary of this board (mostly speaking in generalities):
- Moderating is pretty damn fair which is a huge change from IC. You can give back the same level of vitriol you receive without being banned for being a pub.
- Most here say they want differing views but in reality they don't. They want affirmation of the way they think
- It is difficult to actually have meaningful political discussions because there is a wolfpack mentality and not many get info outside liberal circles. I think the
same applies to many on the right about their sources of info.
- Discussion usually gets derailed by personal attacks, attacks of media sources, and hypocrisy. Hypocrisy is huge here but in fairness would likely be on a
conservative board as well. But facts are only facts if coming from a liberal media source in their eyes.
- There are some who discuss in good faith, some who are true snowflakes, and some who are just assholes for sport. Again, probably the same as on any
board. The snowflakes and assholes will always default to insults stemming from your source of information and they talk in generalities.
- There are some very intelligent people here and I have had my opinions changed by a few.
- Read most threads and many posts are just different ways of each other making the same types of comments trashing trump and pubs. TDS DOMINATES
this board to the point it makes them unable to have meaningful discussion.
- There are very few conservative posters on this board. I don't get it. Why would a conservative want to visit a conservative board if they want to debate
politics. There needs to be more conservative posters on this board who are sincere in discussing politics. Certainly don't need more assholes.