Walz — Comer Opens Congressional Investigation of Walz trips to China

Shapiro will be there for the Harris/Walz ticket in full force . . !
I believe VP Harris picked Walz because she is at a more larger comfort level with Coach Walz as her working partner going forward.
There were no bad picks of the 6 that were vetted, I truly believe it was a bit more of a comfort thing.
Yeah, the must believe Shapiro will carry Biden on his own. I don't know. A guaranteed W in Penn seems pretty tempting.
Either one.
Whenever I've heard him in interviews, he always seems intelligent and wellspoken. I don't know a ton about him.

I didn't think he or Whitmer or a black guy were realistic options as VP candidates. My gut was that it was always going to be a straight, white male. Harris-Whitmer (2 females )- too little diversity for the presidency. Harris and Buttigieg (Female/black/gay)- too much diversity for the presidency. Harris and a black male - too little diversity.

That will surely change in the future, but I don't think it's realistic right now If the goal is to beat Trump.
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I was an engineer. I dont know if I had seen that word in my life.

Plus I am almost 46. You basically forget everything you learn in college by this point!
I am almost 46... I was probably specifically making fun of one of your tents somewhere along the way. Actually... I spent the last half of my college career fearing Jason Williams. Also spent a year of it hearing way too much about Trajan Langdon as my girlfriend junior year had an older brother who went to Duke and her mother had already chosen sides. She'd taunt us with the term "The Alaskan Assassin!" over and over again. Oddly I think her brother didn't care about basketball at all, so the mother thing was weird. It was all weird. But not in a GOP way.
I am almost 46... I was probably specifically making fun of one of your tents somewhere along the way. Actually... I spent the last half of my college career fearing Jason Williams. Also spent a year of it hearing way too much about Trajan Langdon as my girlfriend junior year had an older brother who went to Duke and her mother had already chosen sides. She'd taunt us with the term "The Alaskan Assassin!" over and over again. Oddly I think her brother didn't care about basketball at all, so the mother thing was weird. It was all weird. But not in a GOP way.
Was the girlfriend a d00k fan?