Walz — Comer Opens Congressional Investigation of Walz trips to China

Ron and Jane Johnson were married on August 20, 1977. That was the 358th anniversary of the date enslaved persons were first brought to Jamestown, Virginia. Was Ron Johnson celebrating slavery in America when he married his wife? Inquiring minds want to know.
August 20, 1977 was also the 37th anniversary of Trotsky’s assassination by agents of Stalin. Coincidence, Ron? People need answers.
Meantime Dumb and Dumber have released their 300 page Biden impeachment report...

House Republicans released a long-awaited report hours before the Democratic National Convention is set to begin accusing president Joe Biden of impeachable conduct, but conservatives were disappointed.
Ron and Jane Johnson were married on August 20, 1977. That was the 358th anniversary of the date enslaved persons were first brought to Jamestown, Virginia. Was Ron Johnson celebrating slavery in America when he married his wife?
Meantime Dumb and Dumber have released their 300 page Biden impeachment report...

House Republicans released a long-awaited report hours before the Democratic National Convention is set to begin accusing president Joe Biden of impeachable conduct, but conservatives were disappointed.
It’s really hard to imagine how all this blew up in Comer’s face so spectacularly. From Day 1, the plan was to release this BS report on the first day of the DNC to cut Biden’s legs out from under him. Now, they’ll be lucky if a single American who doesn’t watch OAN ever hears about it. What a colossal waste of time and resources.
How humiliating for these clowns. The fact that they have to try this nonsense because they know they have a deranged fraud lunatic at the top of the ticket, is shameful.

By the way, how is Comer Pyle's impeachment "investigation" going that everyone knew was a sham and would never be put to a vote? Haven't heard anything about it in months, when we were told there was so much there they would find and prove.

Sorry, I now see it posted above. Can't wait to see the summary. No way I am reading 300 pages of drivel.
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I’m extremely enthusiastic about voting for Kamala, but damn if I don’t love Walz. What a terrific person for this moment.
Barring something catastrophic, Walz will never be President. And that's a shame, because he is so relatable to so many people. Initially, I was a bit concerned when VP Harris didn't pick Shapiro as her running mate. Knowing what I know now, I can't fathom a better pick.
Barring something catastrophic, Walz will never be President. And that's a shame, because he is so relatable to so many people. Initially, I was a bit concerned when VP Harris didn't pick Shapiro as her running mate. Knowing what I know now, I can't fathom a better pick.
I think Walz told Kamala he has no interest in running for president. If that’s true, it creates a terrific opportunity for Shapiro and others in 2028 if Kamala loses, or 2032 if she wins. The Dem bench is really deep, though, so it will be interesting to see how it plays out.