Walz — Comer Opens Congressional Investigation of Walz trips to China

Lolololol that's a great meme
But superrific ensured us that using the term “in war” was accurate!

Glad to see Harris/Walz walk this back and I will assume it was an honest mistake off the cuff instead of an intentional misrepresentation.
And he was right, it was “in war,” GWOT. It wasn’t in combat which is colloquially equated with in war but is in fact distinct.
I really hope they continue on this “stolen valor” narrative. The man was part of that war. Sure, he never saw combat but that’s not the point. Do we accuse military intelligence that sit at a desk in the Pentagon of stolen valor? Hell, even the media says “we are at war!” So does that mean all of us or just those shooting weapons?

He didn’t misspeak. He didn’t steal valor. He did his job and was part of that “war”.

They are really grasping at straws to find something bad on this guy and they’re failing. The Democrats knocked this pick out of the park.
I mean they really need to quit with the swiftboating and “stolen valor” BS. It ain’t gonna stick and will only backfire on them. There was never anyone named JD Vance serving in any military, armed forces unit - at least not the so called JD Vance trying to run for vice prez… That was the guy who was a corporal running around with the steno pad scribbling. Radar O”Reilly he ain’t…

And let’s not talk about Mr. bonespurs or whatever… prolly just a hangnail or flat feet or some such. Draft dodging putz.

They really need to table that one… Coach is going to steal Vance’s lunch money in their debate. Mark it.
I wouldn't have wanted to go to that stupid fucking war either. If I'd had a choice, it would have been tough, but my loyalty to my children would end up outweighing my loyalty to my platoon, and both of them would be infinitely more important to me than any kind of bologna about loyalty to my country.

I had to pick up my best friend once on a whiskey-drunk at 4am holding a pistol to his head because of the hell he went through in Ramadi. If Gov. Walz saw the writing on the wall and got out, good for him...I'm sure he wishes he could have taken 100,000 young men and women with him. I wish he could have taken Sam with him.

The war in Iraq was not "serving your country," it was just another example of rich billionaires sacrificing the lives of poor uneducated people to play their sick games of money and power.
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I really hope they continue on this “stolen valor” narrative. The man was part of that war. Sure, he never saw combat but that’s not the point. Do we accuse military intelligence that sit at a desk in the Pentagon of stolen valor? Hell, even the media says “we are at war!” So does that mean all of us or just those shooting weapons?

He didn’t misspeak. He didn’t steal valor. He did his job and was part of that “war”.

They are really grasping at straws to find something bad on this guy and they’re failing. The Democrats knocked this pick out of the park.
Swift boating is so fetch !
I mean they really need to quit with the swiftboating and “stolen valor” BS. It ain’t gonna stick and will only backfire on them. There was never anyone named JD Vance serving in any military, armed forces unit - at least not the so called JD Vance trying to run for vice prez… That was the guy who was a corporal running around with the steno pad scribbling. Radar O”Reilly he ain’t…

And let’s not talk about Mr. bonespurs or whatever… prolly just a hangnail or flat feet or some such. Draft dodging putz.

They really need to table that one… Coach is going to steal Vance’s lunch money in their debate. Mark it.
Cadet Bonespurs.

Tim Walz’s 2006 campaign falsely described details about his arrest for drunk driving in 1995​

"... According to court and police records connected to the incident, Walz admitted in court that he had been drinking when he was pulled over for driving 96 mph in a 55 mph zone in Nebraska. Walz was then transported by a state trooper to a local hospital for a blood test, showing he had a blood alcohol level of .128, well above the state’s legal limit of 0.1 at the time.

But in 2006, his campaign repeatedly told the press that he had not been drinking that night, claiming that his failed field sobriety test was due to a misunderstanding related to hearing loss from his time in the National Guard. The campaign also claimed that Walz was allowed to drive himself to jail that night.

None of that was true.

A CNN KFile review of statements made by the Walz campaign at the time reveals numerous discrepancies between how the campaign described the events and the facts of what actually took place that night.

“The DUI charge was dropped for a Reason: it wasn’t true,” Walz’s then-campaign communications director told local news in 2006. “The trooper had him drive to the station and then leave on his own after being at the station. Tim feels bad about speeding and has paid the ticket and apologized to his family at the time it happened.”

In fact, the incident’s police report clearly states that Walz was transported by police to a local hospital for blood alcohol testing after being arrested. And this week, Nebraska state police confirmed to CNN that Walz was taken by a state trooper to jail.

“Under NSP procedure, a person suspected of impaired driving is not allowed to continue driving,” Cody Thomas, a spokesman for the Nebraska State Patrol, told CNN. “In this case, the suspect was transported by the trooper and was lodged in Dawes County Jail.”

Now that Walz is the Democratic nominee for vice president, renewed scrutiny is being paid to the details of his 1995 arrest and how his campaign described the incident a decade later as he launched his political career.

Walz has subsequently acknowledged the facts of the case, admitting during his 2018 campaign for governor of Minnesota that he had been drinking and driving...."
I would prefer if the "stolen valor" thing didn't occur but it seems like all of the instances are just him leaning into his military service for political reasons and not blatantly outright lying about things.

I could be mistaken as I have not followed the story 100%.

Yikes: Walz Nodded in Agreement When Interviewer Wrongly Said He Served in Afghanistan​

That is a pretty dumb nit to pick. He probably did not see the need to interrupt the interviewer. The interviewer was correct that Walz served an overseas deployment as part of Operation Enduring Freedom; he just got the location wrong – it was Italy not Afghanistan. I’m sure that Tim was nodding in agreement to the statement as a whole, and it’s probably as simple as he did not want to interrupt to correct the interviewer.

I really cannot believe that JD Vance of all people, and the Trump campaign as a whole, think that they are going to get any traction by attempting to swiftboat Tim Walz. That shit worked in 2004 because John Kerry directed his campaign to completely ignore it, and because he had a demonstrable history of anti-war activism following his service in Vietnam. Obviously in 2004 we were in the midst of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and pro American military sentiment was at an all-time high in the United States. Entirely different situation now.

Walz served for 24 years in National Guard; he re-upped after September 11, 2001 for four more years even though he could have had full retirement at 20 years; he has never claimed to have been a combat veteran, which carries a unique distinction in the military; he has never claimed to have been some sort of war hero. Vance spent four years in the Marines and his deployment to Iraq consisted of sitting in a tent scribbling correspondence. Now, nobody in Vance’s circle would take kindly to having his service and deployment denigrated or reduced simply because he was Sergeant Scribbles instead of G.I. Joe. And nor should they, because nobody who has volunteered to serve in the United States military should ever have their service diminished for any reason, not the least of which to try to score cheap political points.
That is a pretty dumb nit to pick. He probably did not see the need to interrupt the interviewer. The interviewer was correct that Walz served an overseas deployment as part of Operation Enduring Freedom; he just got the location wrong – it was Italy not Afghanistan. I’m sure that Tim was nodding in agreement to the statement as a whole, and it’s probably as simple as he did not want to interrupt to correct the interviewer.

I really cannot believe that JD Vance of all people, and the Trump campaign as a whole, think that they are going to get any traction by attempting to swiftboat Tim Walz. That shit worked in 2004 because John Kerry directed his campaign to completely ignore it, and because he had a demonstrable history of anti-war activism following his service in Vietnam. Obviously in 2004 we were in the midst of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and pro American military sentiment was at an all-time high in the United States. Entirely different situation now.

Walz served for 24 years in National Guard; he re-upped after September 11, 2001 for four more years even though he could have had full retirement at 20 years; he has never claimed to have been a combat veteran, which carries a unique distinction in the military; he has never claimed to have been some sort of war hero. Vance spent four years in the Marines and his deployment to Iraq consisted of sitting in a tent scribbling correspondence. Now, nobody in Vance’s circle would take kindly to having his service and deployment denigrated or reduced simply because he was Sergeant Scribbles instead of G.I. Joe. And nor should they, because nobody who has volunteered to serve in the United States military should ever have their service diminished for any reason, not the least of which to try to score cheap political points.
They are desperate.