With the coming Christian theocracy, I have a few questions:


Well-Known Member
1. Will all US citizens be required to join and attend a sanctioned church denomination regularly?
2. Will all US citizens be required to tithe 10% of their income to a sanctioned church?
3. When SS and Medicare are done away with, will the sanctioned churches take over responsibility for caring for the elderly and sick?
4. How long will it be before Ashley Babbitt is canonized as a Saint?
5. Will those of the Christian faith be allowed to use other versions of the Bible...the ones without the US Constitution and the Pledge of Allegiance?
6. Will Congress pass a law that requires all images of Jesus to be light skinned, blonde haired and blue eyed?
7. Once all the brown people are rounded up and deported, will the detainment camps be used to house Muslims and atheists until they can be deported?

These are serious questions that need to be answered before I consider joining the cult.
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Pretty sure #4 has come to pass. She's already a hero in Российская Федерация and frequently gets name-checked whenever RT does a story on J6.
I am a Christian man and no one will tell me how to practice my religion. If you try you can fuck off.
I got no problem with you or any other Christian doing that as long as one of your beliefs isn't to impose your beliefs on me. Right now, that's not happening.
Nope not talking about you. Talking about the government or a church.
There will be a renewed push for prayer in schools. The growth of the religiously unaffiliated has spooked some people and they are groping for answers. There are plenty of AEI supported outfits that argue that being a religious none is 1) bad for kids and 2) due to not being raised with religious ritual. The desired conclusion isn’t difficult to reach.

Ultimately I think that effort fails and the movement away from Christianity accelerates. Putting politics and religion into conflict for young people tends to result in religion losing and backlash to the religious right has long been a thing. Raising up Trump as Christianity’s avatar is going to do real damage.

Trump may result in what feels like a less secular society with a lot less actual religious belief.
There will be a renewed push for prayer in schools. The growth of the religiously unaffiliated has spooked some people and they are groping for answers. There are plenty of AEI supported outfits that argue that being a religious none is 1) bad for kids and 2) due to not being raised with religious ritual. The desired conclusion isn’t difficult to reach.

Ultimately I think that effort fails and the movement away from Christianity accelerates. Putting politics and religion into conflict for young people tends to result in religion losing and backlash to the religious right has long been a thing. Raising up Trump as Christianity’s avatar is going to do real damage.

Trump may result in what feels like a less secular society with a lot less actual religious belief.
Already shown up in some evangelical churches. I've seen reports of memberships increasing while the % attending went down. Not sure what that really shows or if it's meaningful.
I am a Christian man and no one will tell me how to practice my religion. If you try you can fuck off.
This was the common argument for female type people pre-Dobbs. I am a "woman" and no one will tell me how to practice my "healthcare". See what happened to them?
Christian Nationalism is an abomination of all that Jesus preached and taught. The religious right are the modern day version of the Pharisees - self-serving, judgmental, hypocrites.
We also have the Establishment Clause in the Constitution for very good reasons.
Christian Nationalism is an abomination of all that Jesus preached and taught. The religious right are the modern day version of the Pharisees - self-serving, judgmental, hypocrites.
We also have the Establishment Clause in the Constitution for very good reasons.
IANAL, but it seems historically SCOTUS hasn’t shown much regard for the Establishment Clause and this court is nothing like the Warren court