With the coming Christian theocracy, I have a few questions:

We also have the Establishment Clause in the Constitution for very good reasons.
We used to. It's mostly gone and SCOTUS will probably kill it entirely in the next few years.

Sam Alito received a knighthood from a super conservative Catholic order. He took a vow to receive that honor that directly conflicts with his oath of office. He pledged:

We declare and promise to Almighty God, to Jesus Christ his only Son our Lord, with the assistance of the Holy Spirit, the maternal protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and the powerful intercession of Saint George the Martyr, to observe as true soldiers of Christ everything that is asked and recommended of us.

Oh, and the knighthood is in direct violation of the US constitution. That's how much Alito cares about it.
Already shown up in some evangelical churches. I've seen reports of memberships increasing while the % attending went down. Not sure what that really shows or if it's meaningful.
The number of young people that go to church all the time went up a while back which was celebrated. The fact that fewer young people were attending overall was largely ignored.

It’s anecdotal but I’ve already seen some “I’m done with Christianity” messages since the election.
There will be a renewed push for prayer in schools. The growth of the religiously unaffiliated has spooked some people and they are groping for answers. There are plenty of AEI supported outfits that argue that being a religious none is 1) bad for kids and 2) due to not being raised with religious ritual. The desired conclusion isn’t difficult to reach.

Ultimately I think that effort fails and the movement away from Christianity accelerates. Putting politics and religion into conflict for young people tends to result in religion losing and backlash to the religious right has long been a thing. Raising up Trump as Christianity’s avatar is going to do real damage.

Trump may result in what feels like a less secular society with a lot less actual religious belief.
As my late teacher and friend Rev. Dr. James Dunn used to say, as long as there are math tests, there will always be prayer in schools.
It is hilarious reading the meltdowns on here.
Republicans may win the House, won the Senate, won the President and won the popular vote. If Trump is such a racist why did he get more African American votes this time than he did in 2020? I mean every news channels and talk show hosts minus Fox News told their viewers that he is a racist.
Why would they vote for a racist? Maybe because people are finally waking up to fake news?
It is hilarious reading the meltdowns on here.
Republicans may win the House, won the Senate, won the President and won the popular vote. If Trump is such a racist why did he get more African American votes this time than he did in 2020? I mean every news channels and talk show hosts minus Fox News told their viewers that he is a racist.
Why would they vote for a racist? Maybe because people are finally waking up to fake news?
Actually Trump only got about 1% more of the black vote nationally than he did in 2020. The big shift was in the Hispanic vote, especially Hispanic men. He increased his share of the Hispanic vote from 32% in 2020 to around 45% this year. Given that many Hispanics are cultural conservatives and Evangelicals, it's not exactly surprising that they're voting more Republican. As for Trump and many of his followers being racist and sexist that seems a given with all of the evidence ("fake news", lol) but I'll guess we'll see what happens when he takes office. I don't think many Hispanics are going to like his behavior towards them, but we'll all find out in two or three months.
It is hilarious reading the meltdowns on here.
Republicans may win the House, won the Senate, won the President and won the popular vote. If Trump is such a racist why did he get more African American votes this time than he did in 2020? I mean every news channels and talk show hosts minus Fox News told their viewers that he is a racist.
Why would they vote for a racist? Maybe because people are finally waking up to fake news?

What rock have you been living under?

Actually Trump only got about 1% more of the black vote nationally than he did in 2020. The big shift was in the Hispanic vote, especially Hispanic men. He increased his share of the Hispanic vote from 32% in 2020 to around 45% this year. Given that many Hispanics are cultural conservatives and Evangelicals, it's not exactly surprising that they're voting more Republican. As for Trump and many of his followers being racist and sexist that seems a given with all of the evidence ("fake news", lol) but I'll guess we'll see what happens when he takes office. I don't think many Hispanics are going to like his behavior towards them, but we'll all find out in two or three months.
Don’t forget ‘Your body, my choice’: Women report rise in online misogyny following Trump victory
73 million delusional human beings. Sad. Disgraceful.

33.1% of Germans voted for the NSDAP in 1932. They too, were Sad and Disgraceful.
The great majority of white Southerners vigorously supported Jim Crow segregation in the South for generations. They only relented under federal pressure and laws and the civil rights movement. Using the "a majority makes them right" argument, then segregationists were justified in doing what they did.
73 million delusional human beings. Sad. Disgraceful.
We won the 2016 election because Democrats called 70 million people deplorable.
We won the 2024 election because 70 million people were called trash.
Yes, wasn't the exact reason but the American people are tired of elites looking down on us. Kamala caters to the Hollywood elites and Trump caters to the working class people. We hope the Democrats continue on this course of campaigning.
This is my daughter's experience being trolled by folks I think I see here or their children. I told her that Americans were better than this but sadly I am an empathetic idiot that thought apparently 51% of the country were better than this. What a fucking loser Jesus was with all the love and turn the cheek shit. Folks teaching their young toxic masculinity sons this shit are apparently what the country wants. Shame on us all
We won the 2016 election because Democrats called 70 million people deplorable.
We won the 2024 election because 70 million people were called trash.
Yes, wasn't the exact reason but the American people are tired of elites looking down on us. Kamala caters to the Hollywood elites and Trump caters to the working class people. We hope the Democrats continue on this course of campaigning.
And yet your side calls us trash, evil, Satanists, and worse all the time, and Trump and others around him have threatened to kill us and ruin our careers. Hard to show respect for people who want you dead or your life ruined simply for disagreeing with them or not living the way they want you to. I've posted this elsewhere, but it's very clear that respect is a one-way street to Trumpers. You guys honestly believe you can threaten and insult and treat us like shit all you want, but if we respond in any way then y'all lose your minds and whine that you're just victims. It's hypocritical, absurd, and a total double standard, but also totally expected.
We won the 2016 election because Democrats called 70 million people deplorable.
We won the 2024 election because 70 million people were called trash.
Yes, wasn't the exact reason but the American people are tired of elites looking down on us. Kamala caters to the Hollywood elites and Trump caters to the working class people. We hope the Democrats continue on this course of campaigning.
A hit dog will holler...at the ballot box.