2024 Political Polls

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Agreed. Democrats need to run scared all the way to election day. Any Democrat who feels cocky or confident about the election outcome after 2016 (and near defeat in 2020) needs to have their head examined, imo.
I remember 1990…..when the Jesse Helms “Hands” ad hit. I don’t remember if it hit on Thursday or Friday…….it hit at the last possible time to place a new political ad in North Carolina. I don’t think this was a law; it was an agreement with the TV and radio stations.

Up to that moment, we knew we were behind and that we stood a shot…..a small shot; but, a shot at winning.

That ad was a nuclear bomb. It hit and we knew we were dead.

I was in Harvey Gantt’s campaign manager’s office in the state Democratic Headquarters on Hillsborough Street when that ad hit.

Yeah, the Gantt Campaign was “officially” headquartered in Charlotte); the real organizers and organization were in Raleigh. Mel Watt was a brilliant politician; he learned he couldn’t run a statewide senate campaign……especially from Charlotte……until one experiences it, one has little-to-no idea how many state employees will volunteer for campaigns….they’re in Raleigh, not Charlotte.

On a statewide campaign, one doesn’t realize how critical Durham is for Democrats.

I’d worked on previous campaigns and I’m good at organizing volunteers. I’d been called to help organize volunteers. I stepped away from my business to do so for 6+ weeks.

We had a massive GOTV effort going…..huge enthusiasm…..then the “Hands” ad hit.
Agreed. Democrats need to run scared all the way to election day. Any Democrat who feels cocky or confident about the election outcome after 2016 (and near defeat in 2020) needs to have their head examined, imo.
On one hand, this is absolutely correct.

On the other hand, confidence and enthusiasm is contagious. Democrats should be celebrating what’s happening right now. It’s like we’ve been in a massive drought for years and the forecasters are finally calling for a period of life-giving rain. It’s not here yet, but we can feel incredibly optimistic about what’s over the horizon. I’m convinced Americans are sick and tired of MAGA’s relentless negativity. Dems can finally be the party of joy and hopeful energy. That’s one of the main things that draws undecided people in.
On one hand, this is absolutely correct.

On the other hand, confidence and enthusiasm is contagious. Democrats should be celebrating what’s happening right now. It’s like we’ve been in a massive drought for years and the forecasters are finally calling for a period of life-giving rain. It’s not here yet, but we can feel incredibly optimistic about what’s over the horizon. I’m convinced Americans are sick and tired of MAGA’s relentless negativity. Dems can finally be the party of joy and hopeful energy. That’s one of the main things that draws undecided people in.
I hope you are correct.

A battery of “commies and socialists” often smothers the hopeful Democratic message you just typed.
I hope you are correct.

A battery of “commies and socialists” often smothers the hopeful Democratic message you just typed.
I would agree EXCEPT it's the same message he's been doing for 9 years. Any message gets old after that time, and people tune it out. That's the problem right now for the GOP. They have nothing new. So it is boring and doesn't resonate.
I would agree EXCEPT it's the same message he's been doing for 9 years. Any message gets old after that time, and people tune it out. That's the problem right now for the GOP. They have nothing new. So it is boring and doesn't resonate.
and pointing out that they’re weird and boring just irks trump to the point of further wailing and self destruction
Dems can finally be the party of joy and hopeful energy. That’s one of the main things that draws undecided people in.
^100% this. The dour, negative presidential candidate typically loses. The positive, upbeat candidate traditionally wins. Trump was once the happy warrior in 2016, in contrast to Clinton. He's been completely devoid of joy the last two election cycles.
^100% this. The dour, negative presidential candidate typically loses. The positive, upbeat candidate traditionally wins. Trump was once the happy warrior in 2016, in contrast to Clinton. He's been completely devoid of joy the last two election cycles.
Trump was pretty negative, dour, and joyless back in 2016. The Republican National Convention that year was full-on fire and brimstone.
I would agree EXCEPT it's the same message he's been doing for 9 years. Any message gets old after that time, and people tune it out. That's the problem right now for the GOP. They have nothing new. So it is boring and doesn't resonate.
Jesse Helms repeated that Jim Hunt - Jim effing Hunt - was too liberal for North Carolina for 15-18 months on end……..it worked.

It’s a long way from won.
Trump was pretty negative, dour, and joyless back in 2016. The Republican National Convention that year was full-on fire and brimstone.

I would say that for people that supported him, he was a fresh face. He did things differently and they liked it. Some went full on into the cult. Others have pulled back. But he was horribly negative and mean even in 2016. Now, he's even meaner but he's just lame and repetitive. He's boring.
Jesse Helms repeated that Jim Hunt - Jim effing Hunt - was too liberal for North Carolina for 15-18 months on end……..it worked.

It’s a long way from won.
It is a long way from "won."

18 months is a much shorter time frame than 9 years.
Trump was pretty negative, dour, and joyless back in 2016. The Republican National Convention that year was full-on fire and brimstone.
Unfortunately, for a lot of people, especially evangelicals, the prospect of fire and brimstone for their enemies brings them joy.
Trump was pretty negative, dour, and joyless back in 2016. The Republican National Convention that year was full-on fire and brimstone.
I agree with you about Trump's message in 2016. But his tone was much different. He had a carefree "get on board ... I'm a successful businessman and I can fix it" vibe. Clinton, by contrast, seemed overly serious with comments like "the basket of deplorables".

I voted without reservation for Clinton and I generally agreed with her positions but to my eyes, Trump was clearly the happier warrior.
In the summer of ‘83, Hunt led Helms by 13-15 points.

After the Democratic Convention in 1988, Dukakis was BEATING THE HOLY SHIT out of Bush.
What was the name of the Bib Overall guy with the little paper out of North Chatham . I seem to remember shortly before the Hunt-Helms Senate election he ran an article about "lots of young boys go in and out of the back door of Hunt's Executive mansion"
In the summer of ‘83, Hunt led Helms by 13-15 points.

After the Democratic Convention in 1988, Dukakis was BEATING THE HOLY SHIT out of Bush.
Those examples are fine but not on my point of the same boring message not landing 9 years later. That's the point. Trump's same, tired stuff is boring to people outside of the cult.

Hell Clinton was going to win before Comey fucked her. I am a Duke football fan...I get blowing leads late.