2024 Political Polls

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All the people who registered in 2020 would still be registered in 2024 though. This represents a pick up not treading water. You don't have to re register to vote (at least until the GOP changes that)
That depends on the criteria GOP officials in various states have used to purge their voter roles. As I recall when I lived in Ohio, if one didn't vote in x number of elections (including primaries) and did not respond to two requests to verify their registration (returning a card) you were removed from the voter rolls (claiming they assumed you had moved or died.) I can see a lot of people registering for a specific election then not voting for four years while ignoring the verification cards as junk mail. People who don't vote every time the polls are open really need to check their registrations, especially if you live in a state where Republicans dominate the apparatus.
McGovern door knocker as well. Mostly upper/middle class Raleigh. Doubt I changed anyone's mind.

ETA I was told it wouldn't do much good to door knock in CH. Thus I honed in on my old Raleigh neighborhoods.
My girlfriend and I knocked on doors in rural Alamance and Caswell counties. We didn't change many minds,but we experienced solace in each others company
I’m not sure the numbers would be significant enough to impact final statewide results, but does anyone know if polling organizations include the excess mortality from Covid in Rep vs Dem after the introduction of vaccination in their models? There was no difference pre-vaccine, so would not have impacted the 2020 election.
I’m not sure the numbers would be significant enough to impact final statewide results, but does anyone know if polling organizations include the excess mortality from Covid in Rep vs Dem after the introduction of vaccination in their models? There was no difference pre-vaccine, so would not have impacted the 2020 election.
You gotta think more Rs have joined Herman Cain at the big rally in the....
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McGovern door knocker as well. Mostly upper/middle class Raleigh. Doubt I changed anyone's mind.

ETA I was told it wouldn't do much good to door knock in CH. Thus I honed in on my old Raleigh neighborhoods.
Someone in Chapel Hill created a “Chapel Hill, Massachusetts,” bumpersticker immediately after the election.

Massachusetts and Washington, DC were the only EV’s McGovern won. Nixon won 60.7% of the vote.
me too !

Not only was I excited, I knocked on doors to campaign for McGovern

How naive was I at 18yo ? I actually thought he would beat Nixon and end the war in Viet Nam 😇

I very clearly remembering staying up late and watching the DNC on TV that year. I was pumped and sure McGovern was going to win.

I was 14 but I still should have known better.
If the CNN interview shifted the odds in Trump’s favor, then I’m not sure what to say. There really wasn’t a “bad” interview response from Harris or Walz…then compare that to any random 10 minutes of Trump anywhere on the campaign trail.
Is there any reason to think it was the interview rather than, say, following the shift in Nate Silver’s model that happened the same day?