2024 Political Polls

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47% in the NYT poll say Harris is too progressive. 9% says she is not progressive enough.

Sounds like they talked to a lot of Republicans.
47% in the NYT poll say Harris is too progressive. 9% says she is not progressive enough.

Sounds like they talked to a lot of Republicans.
I bet if you asked that 47% which of Harris' policies they consider "too progressive" most of them couldn't do it. Or they would ascribe a position to her that is false because they get their news from liars.
Right. How do you reach people this clueless?
I personally think a big part of it is speaking simply and directly about what programs Harris would propose to directly adresss young people’s economic concerns and struggles. Easy to understand solutions to their problems.

I know some of these problems aren’t easy to solve and don’t really have easy solutions, but I think Harris has erred a bit too much on the side of scant detail.

It’s okay to not have an 800 page policy document for every issue, but people do want to know that she has a plan. Trump may not seem like he has a plan to us (because he doesn’t) but the average young voter doesn’t really get that from my experience. They hear him pay lip service to the actual economic issues in the country and think that means something.

The bigger issue is the double standard that our legacy media has in terms of pressing Harris and Trump. They hold Harris to such a higher standard for policy and rail against any policies she has proposed that are slightly left of center.
It’s okay to not have an 800 page policy document for every issue, but people do want to know that she has a plan. Trump may not seem like he has a plan to us (because he doesn’t) but the average young voter doesn’t really get that from my experience. They hear him pay lip service to the actual economic issues in the country and think that means something.

The bigger issue is the double standard that our legacy media has in terms of pressing Harris and Trump. They hold Harris to such a higher standard for policy and rail against any policies she has proposed that are slightly left of center.
So this group of young people don't "get" that Trump doesn't have a plan but want details of Harris' plans? You seem to be contradicting yourself in what these young people want.
So this group of young people don't "get" that Trump doesn't have a plan but want details of Harris' plans? You seem to be contradicting yourself in what these young people want.
It's not a contradiction. Young people don't want the details of anything generally. They want simple economic messaging. Trump still pays lip service to the economic populism that won him the 2016 election while Harris seems to be trying to distance herself from some of the more economically populist aspects of the Biden administration.

I'm just putting out there what I think young people want, not trying to make an argument about whether their wants are logical. I have degrees in American history and political science, but most under 25 year olds don't and also don't follow politics obsessively like we do.

I think its also lost on older people that Gen Z simply does not have the partisan attachments that older people do. They respond to issues, not parties. Like WBroylesH said above, think about Bernie's popularity with younger people. He had detailed plans about the issues but was also able to condense things into simple, populist messages. This is what young people respond to. Believe me or don't, but I'm probably the youngest person on this board and like to think I'm more in touch with younger people than most of y'all lol.
47% in the NYT poll say Harris is too progressive. 9% says she is not progressive enough.

Sounds like they talked to a lot of Republicans.
They 100% did. That's why folks have been digging into it and finding some big flaws. The evangelical % is ridiculous. What on earth has happened across the NYT over the last decade????
“… This analysis, produced for ABC News by Langer Research Associates, finds that support for Harris goes from 54% of all adults younger than 40 to 64% of those identified as likely voters. Trump's support, meanwhile, drops from 42% of adults in this age group to 33% of those likely to vote. …”

They 100% did. That's why folks have been digging into it and finding some big flaws. The evangelical % is ridiculous. What on earth has happened across the NYT over the last decade????
I figure it's a continuation of the Times-Biden feud that's been going on for 5+ years. As you'd expect, there's been some petty bullshit on both sides but I come down mostly on Biden's side of things. This is a pretty good look at it.

Seems unlikely to me Nate Cohn would knowingly sanction a poll with obviously slanted sampling.
Nate's always been in the "well you release what you get and it evens out over time" kind of mindset. Which is fair...but also why one poll can just seem soooo off. Polls never were supposed to be a media story (not a singular poll). But alas....

It also happens as polls are getting worse because no one answers them. Not only are landlines basically gone, but now with screening people arent answering unknown numbers or texts.