2024 Presidential Election | 41 Days to Election Day

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You must be paying A LOT of attention to Trump.
I mean the guy says Trump is “difficult to read” but he’s never even heard of Agenda 47?
Would put him on ignore but I’ll keep him around like my cat does a mouse… keep it alive just long enough to play with it some more. Then put the hammer down when the amusement factor has played out… right now zendude is funny as hell.
No hell no. President is not a job for a trainee. Trump has vividly demonstrated that anyone seriously running for President should have a strong resume in elected office. That includes Marc Cuban or Michelle Obama. If Cuban wants to be President he should run for Congress, Senate, or Governor first, then consider running for President.
I generally agree with you but Michelle Obama's eight years as first lady is probably better training/experience for being POTUS than any job other than President itself.
Project 2025 is the brain child of lunatics. There's exactly zero chance Trump has read a single page of that document. He's already disavowed P2025.

Again, we're talking about what has a realistic chance of happening and a president ending/ruining the country is just not going to happen.

This type of hyperbole is par for the course during election time. Republicans said that if Biden won, they'd go door to door confiscating guns, outlaw home schooling, a national mask/vaccine mandate, free healthcare for illegal immigrants... the list was long.
The difference, of course, is that Project 2025 is a detailed, several hundred page manifesto, written by a number of people who have had prominent roles in Trump's campaign and administration (many of whom will likely be part of a second Trump administration) setting out an actual plan to do these things, whereas "Democrats will go door to door confiscating guns" was completely made up out of thin air. There is no false equivalency here.

Not to mention that while Trump may not have read the Project 2025 manifesto, and says he disavows it, he routinely voices his support of things stated in the manifesto (like eliminating the Department of Education, massive deportation and limiting the flow of immigrants, etc).
You ‘Bo-side your ass off.

Odds are you’re a Trumplican.
Comes onto board, insists that he's not a Trumper and won't vote for him, yet downplays nearly everything negative Trump has said or done in nearly every post, and insists that the Democrats are the same with little to no actual evidence. Sounds like the typical "I'm not a Trumper but I secretly vote for him" type of poster that we used to see all the time over at the old ZZLP.
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Tonights Daily Show was pretty good. They did a good job highlighting some of the campaign stuff Trump just trots out again. I'm about to watch the Mark Cuban interview that's the 2nd half of the show.

(starts at the campaign stuff but the preceding Willie Brown and other stuff is great)

I don't think there's been a time in American history in which a presidential candidate so clearly and desperately and openly wants a departed candidate to return to the race because, as he openly states, he thinks he can beat that candidate, with the obvious implication that he's not confident at all of beating his current opponent. It's simply pathetic in a way.
Considering you recently admitted to not knowing what Agenda 47 is, apparently you pay no attention to what one side says.
Right. Prior to visiting Trump's site to read about Agenda 47, not once have I EVER visited that site and probably never will again. Why would I when I have absolutely no plans to vote for him? Despite your hyperbole/gas lighting, that doesn't mean I pay "no" attention to what one side says or pay no attention to what either side says. I read political news or listen to political podcasts every single day.
I don't think there's been a time in American history in which a presidential candidate so clearly and desperately and openly wants a departed candidate to return to the race because, as he openly states, he thinks he can beat that candidate, with the obvious implication that he's not confident at all of beating his current opponent. It's simply pathetic in a way.
You clearly forgot when Jimmy Carter loudly complained he was not able to run against Nixon.

It was a national embarrassment
AZ certified yesterday

Arizona voters will get to decide in November whether to add the right to an abortion to the state constitution.

The Arizona secretary of state’s office said Monday that it had certified 577,971 signatures — far above the required number that the coalition supporting the ballot measure had to submit in order to put the question before voters.

The coalition, Arizona for Abortion Access, said it is the most signatures validated for a citizens initiative in state history.

The issue already is set to go before voters this year in Colorado, Florida, Maryland, Nevada, New York and South Dakota.
Great news that AZ put that on the ballot. Not only for the cause, but it's a huge move on the electoral chess board.

These kinds of moves are why I've been saying for months and months (and recently on the polling thread) that this is why I wouldn't have bet on even Biden losing, much less Harris now.

Since Roe was overturned, reproductive rights voters were always the key to this election, and they're an under-counted and under-polled giant. Look at KS, OH, KY for proof, having turned out heavily and voted strongly against further abortion restrictions since Dobbs in 2022.
This is behind the Bulwark's paywall so I'll only post a short snippet, but this I found fascinating to consider.

"It’s generally under-appreciated that the SCOTUS decision on presidential immunity radically altered Trump’s psychology. Pre-ruling, Trump was running to stay out of jail. He had one guilty verdict in hand, another sure-to-be-guilty on the horizon, and two wildcard cases.

The SCOTUS ruling made it clear that Trump is never going to jail. And Trump understands this.

Whatever the opposite of “burning the boats” is, that’s what happened for Trump when the Supreme Court created presidential immunity for him. Suddenly winning the presidency went from being an existential need to a mere luxury. So whatever Trump had to put up with from Wiles and LaCivita in order to win is no longer necessary. He can do whatever he wants. If he wins, great. But if he loses, that’s fine, too. He can talk about how the mean black lady cheated and his followers will absolutely be there for it. The Republican party isn’t going anywhere, either: It’ll still be his property."

Woof, between plummeting crime rates, a booming economy, lowering prices, and now illegal border crossings dropping like a rock, it’s a bad damn time to be a right winger. Thoughts and prayers to all of our right wing friends. We shall overcome!

That would be true except for the fact that the rubes never hear about all of this genuinely good news. All they hear and see on TV is the hellscape we live in here across the US presented to them by FauxNews.
Great news that AZ put that on the ballot. Not only for the cause, but it's a huge move on the electoral chess board.

These kinds of moves are why I've been saying for months and months (and recently on the polling thread) that this is why I wouldn't have bet on even Biden losing, much less Harris now.

Since Roe was overturned, reproductive rights voters were always the key to this election, and they're an under-counted and under-polled giant. Look at KS, OH, KY for proof, having turned out heavily and voted strongly against further abortion restrictions since Dobbs in 2022.
Biden was in a death spiral. This wouldn’t have saved him. Let’s hope Trump’s in a comparable spiral now, though.